Chapter Five

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Madeleine's POV

I rubbed my eyes, yawning as we silently drove past the neighbourhood. I rested my head on my window, trying to get as much sleep as possible during the 15 minute ride from home to school. The minute I fell asleep, the car stopped and the driver woke me up. "Don't talk to anybody else other than the Hawks. If you are planning to go somewhere, take our approval first."

Annoyed with being disturbed from my sleep, I groaned, scowling at the driver. I got out of the car, slammed the door shut and slowly trudged to the entrance of the school.

After coming back from the first day of training, I just couldn't sleep. Everything that happened yesterday was still fresh in my memory and my mind continuously recollected yesterday's events, especially Mr. Wall and his little staring game.

I finally fell asleep at around 4. I woke up shaking and screaming from the nightmare about an hour later, making me lose my sleep.

I considered going to a therapist regarding the nightmare, but then realized that if he/she would ask me why this happened, I would have to recount everything I have encountered for the past month or so, which included the Black Hawks, the murder, the kidnapping, everything. And the price for telling everything would be my death.

The Black Hawks were extremely secretive, but they still know exactly what I'm doing and where I am. It would be a matter of few minutes before they come to know what happened.

But if they were so secretive, how did Hot Guy come to know about them? Maybe he was one of the Hawks. I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought.

Now that I think of it, he seems like a good candidate; he was built, and that day I had even seen him fight with The Wall....but if he was a hawk, he would have been present at the cafeteria yesterday, right? So I guess that rules out the fact that Hot guy is one of us.

My phone started ringing, jolting me out of my thoughts.

I picked the phone without looking at the caller because I was 99.9% sure that it was the Hawks.

"Hello." I grumbled into the phone

"Madeleine!" squealed a female voice

I looked at the screen- Abigail. Right, I had given her my number yesterday. Well that 0.1% worked, huh?

"Oh! Um Hi!" I stuttered. "I just reached school. Where are you?"

"Exactly what I was going to ask you. Okay, meet me at the lockers in a few."

She hung up and I started making my way to the place.

Before I even reached her, she started talking. "Hey! You know what?"

"I don't.", I answered walking up to her, smiling. I searched for my locker as she rolled her eyes, and continued "You know that guy who was staring at you yesterday?"

"Mmhmm." I said, trying my best to not sound interested as I looked at my schedule for the day.

"I came to school about 15 minutes early and I was standing in the parking lot. Not many kids were there but I saw "him" and his friends standing near a post. After sometime he excused himself and came over to me. I swear, I dropped down to earth and died. He was that gorgeous." she said putting a hand to her cheeks. "But woman you're the lucky one; he has a crush on you. " she said, smirking at me.

"Oh! And he asked me about you. I told him your name was Madeleine and all those down to earth facts. Then he muttered a quick 'thanks' and went back to his group." She finished and let out the breath that she was holding while saying her rapid mini-speech while I blushed lightly, thinking of the Wall.

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