Chapter4 - No Morals on Sunday

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                                  Liv's Pov

One of the best things about Europe in the summer are the amount of endless parties and there's no place that does it quite like Monaco.

You're always guaranteed to have a good time partying here among the rich and famous in luxuriously exclusive venues. Provided you can get in of course.

Convincing my best friends to make the journey from Amsterdam was an easy feat.

"I want to shake my ass on a yacht in a thong before we leave Monaco," said Zoey sticking her head out from behind the white shower curtain. "Oh my gawd Zo chill," the girls laughed.

It was nice having my three best friends stay with me in my father's apartment for the week.
We hadn't been able to see each other since our graduation from university in the Spring.

"So my cousin Lissie got us on the list for the party tonight," Bianca added. "She's stuck editing so she can't come but she reckons it'll be a lot of fun. It's an open bar."

Lissie Mackintosh is an F1 reporter and content creator. We've hung out a couple of times and are decent friends. She's probably one of the few people in the industry who know about Zak.

In a few days we'd be leaving to go back to our daily lives so we all make a pact to make the most of tonight

In a few days we'd be leaving to go back to our daily lives so we all make a pact to make the most of tonight

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Trying to get through the sea of people proved to be almost impossible. The thought of dancing at that moment made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't ready yet to have sticky, sweaty people rubbing up against me but I also couldn't just stand there.

"Drinks?" I shouted over the loud music. The girls all nodded to signal me a yes.

Zoey is the dancing queen of our group. She has such an incredible vibe to her and could literally dance to any beat. Already feeling the music and letting it take over, the young girl started swaying her hips, pulling Harper to the dance floor with her.

I intertwined my hand in Bianca's as we headed in the opposite direction towards the stocked bar.

The small club was filled with A-listers. Kygo was djying on the stage with another guy I thought was probably the resident dj. Everywhere I looked, we were surrounded by beautiful people.

"3 vodka red bulls and 1 regular red bull please?" I told the man behind the bar.

"Excuse me what?" Interjected Bianca. "4 Vodka red bulls please and 4 tequila shots too."

"Are you fucking crazy?" I directed to my friend. The bartender winked at her and started preparing the drinks in front of us. She smiled back at him.

"No Liv. Tonight you're drinking. You need to let loose and have some fun." The first set of drinks were placed in front of us.

Mutual Friends | Lando NorrisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin