Chapter 16 - Life Of The Party

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Liv's Pov

The way it happened was sudden. It's funny how quickly things can change. He climbed onto the empty seat next to me at the bar. The brunette on the other side took his order and quickly returned with a shot of tequila.

"I didn't think you were a tequila kind of guy," I say lightly looking at him. The little butterflies in my stomach motion as I try to ignore these newfound feelings I have for Lando.

The driver doesn't move to look at me but instead downs the shot in one swift motion. He seems anxious and as if his head is somewhere else.

He chuckles nervously and bites the corners of his upper lip. "There's something I need to tell you," he starts. I look at him swivelling the small glass on his coaster, eyes still not meeting mine.

Gently, I lay my hand softly over his to make him stop.

"Are you talking to the glass or me Norris? Cause I can give you guys a moment if you need me to..."

Lando glances up at me and gives a small smirk before he returns to looking down at his hands. His eyes are tired looking. I wonder if it's the driving, all the travelling or maybe some of the drama he always seems to be escaping or a combination of everything finally taking it's toll on him.

"I think we should stop hanging out." His voice is pained and confusing. What's happening?

"I didn't realise we were hanging out." I try to not sound disappointed but I'm not sure I was able to communicate that with a cracked voice. All I'm feeling can be described as watching the colour around me wash out of the scenery.

"Olivia, I think you're great and all but I need to be focused for end of season driving and I can't afford any distractions right now."

He couldn't even look at me. His words for some reason, left little bite sized stings with every vowel and syllable that left his mouth.

"Woow," I echoed.

"There's no easy way to say this. Sunday should've never happened. You were in a vulnerable place and things got heated. I should've never let it get that far."

"Don't do that." I demand.

"Do what?"

"Make it sound like you pity fucked me."

His jaw drops. "I don't know what to tell you."

"Fuck you Lando."

"Don't be like that," he protests.

"This," I motion with my hands in the air, "whatever it was, is done, on every level possible. Don't ever come at me again or I will fucking cut you."

He's still not looking at me when Daniel comes up to join us. " Ello," if it isn't my two favourite people at McLaren," he says to us in a butchered English accent." Why is his timing always off.

I want to scream at him to look at me, to be honest and tell me what's really going on but I settle on the thought that it's not worth it. I frown at the Australian and tell him, "he's all yours Daniel."

Our summer of heated flings and back and fourth tension had finally come to a close. For the last time.

It ended the same way it started, as two strangers over tequila at a bar. My stomach feels queasy as I walk away from the teammates.

I'm thankful to be seated away from both of them. I hoped that Lando had a good reason at least for the way he behaved but I also wanted to respect his decision if that was what he wanted.

The dinner was a beautiful evening. Dad had me sit at his side as his pride and joy. He gave a nice speech about how everyone at McLaren were like a family and how Lando and Daniel had become like sons to him.

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