V TRICK pt.2

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Parts 1&2 were going to be one full chapter, but I decided to spit them since I hadn't posted a new part in a hot minute. ENJOY

"Are you 100% sure this is a good idea?" Shuri asked me as we walked towards her lab.

Nope, not at all.

"Yeah," I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. I really hope I don't sound as nervous as I feel. "Hopefully you're right, and we have nothing to worry about."

When we got there, to the door that I was standing in front of with Okoye a whole day ago, Shuri gave me a light kiss, and we parted ways.


When I walked into the room, she was already there, it's like she knew what I was up to. I went up and sat next to her. I made sure to sit casually, with my legs spread more than usual. When I got dressed, I put on my favorite lotion and perfume, the one that my mom back at home said made me smell like a dude when I visited her from MIT. I really might as well put a blaring LESBIAN sign above my head. Okay, we might be trying too hard, but I want her to know. Maybe that will get her to make the first move.

We exchanged greetings and ate our breakfasts, when suddenly, she spoke up. 

"I just noticed how you sit, it's interesting how you don't sit 'proper'" She made air quotes with her fingers. I quickly snapped my legs back together, and crossed them the way she does. "I could sit like this, if you wanted me to?"

I would do ANYTHING you wanted me to.

She waved her hand at me, like she was shooting me away. "Nah, it's fine. You can sit however you want."

Ok, Riri. Calm the fuck down. We're being too desperate right now. 

I cleared my throat. "Um, so, what's on the agenda for today?" 

She reached for my empty to-go container and tossed it towards the trash bin across the room. 

Perfect Swish.

She leaned back in her seat, seeming proud of her work. "You play ball?" I asked her. This was FINALLY something we could talk about. 

She just shrugged. "I used to." "So, what made you stop?" I asked. I honestly didn't mean to pry, I was just curious about her. Right after I said that, her whole mood shifted. "I just had new responsibilities. Not a lot of room for fun."

I sat quietly waiting for her to elaborate, but she didn't. Instead, she just looked down at her hands. I definitely fucked up. She cleared her throat. "Um, anyway, to answer your other question, I figured I might go around and visit the other tribes, see how they're doing after what happened." 

It's sweet how she cares so much.

We talked some more, and then her plans came up again.

"Um, you want some company, I'll come with you, if you would like." I offered.

Suddenly, her head jerks up, like a lightbulb went off in her head. Is she finally realizing?

She moved over and sat closer to me. "I would love for you to tag along." I placed my hand on her thigh. When did I get the balls to do that? "Only if you're sure."

I heard a voice from the doorway and my heart dropped down to my stomach when I saw who it was.

"Imani!? What the hell is happening?"


Anyways, I wanted to show a less confident Riri this chapter. I also put a little bit of myself into her (the turtleneck girl from the message on my profile, I'm still feening btw.) Also, the lotion and perfume thing actually happened to me IRL.😂


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