our home<3

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Mina: uraraka I am back !

Uraraka:hii i am in the kitchen come in

Mina:ya i am coming*closes the door and walks over*

Uraraka: I am making fryed rice since i have some rice leftover!

Mina: ahh it smells soo good i can't wait to try som

Uraraka: *giggles* thanks it's almost done

Mina: yay! *go's and washs her hands seats down and watchs uraraka cook*

Uraraka: *starts puting it on a plate* k it's done, here u go*puts a plate in front of Mina and seats down to eat with her*

Mina:yaaaay it looks so good *starts eating* and it tastes soo good too

Uraraka: glad you liked it :)*starts eating*

-after sometime when we're done eating-

Mina: I am so full thank you so much for the meal uraraka

Uraraka: Ah am glad you enjoyed the meal

Mina: *yawn* should we watch a movie?

Uraraka: sure but u look sleepy

Mina : ig i am a bit

Uraraka: alright then let's go sleep?

Mina : sure :)

Uraraka well then good night

Mina: good night

Sorry abt the short chapter T_T


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