Going back to the normal world

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any of the characters in this story except Amy, Storme, Anna, Simon and Evie. I using Scott and Stiles from Teen Wolf however this isn't a crossover or anything I just couldn't come up with anymore character names that sounded as good. 

It has been about two months since the seven defeated Gaea. I'm guessing that your wondering who I am, well I'm Perseus Jackson but like most people I don't like it when people use my full name, I prefer to be called Percy. However, there is one thing that sets me aside from most people I'm the son of Poseidon. Anyway after the war nearly everyone at Camp Half-Blood needed me above their friends maybe it's because I'm the leader of the camp and most of them probably know that I know what they are feeling or because they don't want to look weak in front of their friends.

Now after two months of me helping the campers I am finally helping myself, I've just left camp half-blood with the prime to everyone especially Annabeth that I will return after the end of the school term. Now I know what most of you are thinking why would I chose to go to the mortal world after my family, well you see as much as I love the people at camp I know that if I stay there I will never come to grips with the sacrifices that some people had to make for example, Bob he sacrificed everything by shutting the doors of death on himself. So after spending half the night driving back to Manhattan New York, from Long Island, by the time I actually got into Manhattan there was only an hour until schools starts. So instead of going home I went straight to school. Again I'm guessing that some of you are clearly wondering why after spending most of the night and some of the morning driving would I chose to come to school instead of going home and catching up on my missed sleep, before I even think about going to school, well you see I just want things to go back to normal as soon as possible. If that means going to school after no sleep then thats what I'll do.

As soon as I go to school I went off in search of my mortal best friends; Amy, Scott, Anna, Stiles, Storme, Simon and Evie, but it didn't take long for me to locate them and I headed towards them, as none of them had notice me so once I reached them I said "Hi, guys."

After I said that it took about five seconds for them all to turn around and once they realized that it was me they all engulfed me in a huge hug. After about five minutes of all of them just hugging me, they all took a step back and then Scott asked "Where the hell have you been?"

"There was an family emergency on my Dad's side of the family" I replied with pre-rehereased lie.

"Is that why when ever we would ask Paul at school were you where he looked so sad?" Amy questioned.

"Paul... I nearly forgot about him, I better go and see him hadn't I" I answered.

"Wait a minute wouldn't he have already seen you when you went home last night?" Stiles asked, clearly as confused as the others by the looks on their faces. 

"No, because I've driving all night and I didn't get into Manhattan until this morning and then I came straight here" I replied, hoping that my answer cleared up their confusion. 

They all looked at me as through I had grown another head and then Evie said "So just to make sure we got this right... you've home straight to school having had no sleep whatsoever."

"Pretty much, so yeah" I mumbled.

"Why?" Simon asked, concerned.

"Well, I guess I just missed you guys and if I went home after driving all night my Mom would have had a fit because she doesn't like it when I drive without sleep... and because I guess I just wanted everything in my live to go back to normal, going to class and me trying not to get into trouble" I replied.

After a good ten minutes of them trying to convince me to go home and get some sleep, we all made our way to Paul's classroom as that is where we are for English. When we reached the room, all of my friends went and took their seats while I walked to the front of the room and said "Paul."

Paul looked up and before anyone else in the room could say anything about me calling him by his first man during school hours, he engulfed me in a huge hug just like my friends did in the corridor and then said "Percy, when did you get here?"

"About an Hour ago, I thought I would come to school, see my friends and you, then see my Mom when we get home tonight" I mumbled.

Paul was so glad to see me that it wasn't until the headteacher said over the speaker "Everyone to the gym for an emergency assembly" that Paul released me from the hug.

Without another word being said, we all went to the gym, however when we got there I nearly had an heart attack because standing on the stage was the Olympians. 

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