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Disclaimer: I hope that you enjoyed the last chapter and I really hope that you'll enjoy this chapter too. If you have any suggestions or anything that you would like to see happen in this story, just comment on the story or message me. 

After about five minutes of trying to calm my heart rate down so that i don't have an heart attack, I realized that it wasn't just an handful of the gods trying to humor themselves at my dispense but all of the Olympian gods and goddesses were stood on the portable stage that the head teacher had obviously brought into the gym so that everyone in the gym could see what is going on. Another thing that I quickly began to realize is that all the gods and goddesses are looking straight at me, and I have no clue what is going on or what they would want because I've been keeping my head down and I haven't annoyed any of them recently... Well, I hope I haven't annoyed any of them recently.

So I didn't know what to think or believe when the head teacher walked to the podium that has been placed at the centre from of the portable stage and said "These people have something important that they would like you all to know about."

It took me a couple of minutes before I finally realized what the head teacher meant but I couldn't help but wonder why the Olympians would chose to tell everyone now, however, I was broken out of my thoughts by Zeus standing at the podium where the head teacher was stood only moments ago saying "What do you guys know about Greek Mythology?"

All of the mortal in the gym apart from Paul looked at each other confused as to why these people would want to know what they know about Greek Mythology but before anyone could voice their confusion the head teacher said "Ask Perseus Jackson, he's the best student in this school at Greek Mythology which is surprising considering he's nearly passing in his other subjects."

Clearly ignoring everything other than my name Dionysus quietly said "Don't you mean Peter Johnson."

However, me along with the other Olympians heard him and he is lucky that nobody else heard him. On the other hand the rest of the Olympians all looked at each other and smiles when the head teacher said what he did. Then the Olympians  all looked at me before Apollo said "Well all those myths about the gods and monsters are real and the gods are standing right in front of you."

Everyone in the gym besides Paul and the Olympians looked at me wondering whether it could be true about the myths being real and the gods could really exist, while some were probably hoping that I would say something along the lines as that it is impossible, but before I could say anything one of the jocks said "Your lying the gods cannot exist their just myths."

"MYTHS!" Zeus shouted angrily. 

But before Zeus incinerate him I stood up and said "Zeus leave him alone."

I don't look around but I could feel everyones eyes on me, clearly wondering why I would stand up to someone who just claimed to be a god. Although before anyone could question me on it Zeus stated "But-"

However, I interrupted him before he could say anything else "Zeus just leave him alone."

With that Zeus shut up and then everyone in the gym looked at me in bewilderment at the fact that a fully grown man or god just obeyed me and then Amy asked "Do you know them or something?"

Before, I got the chance to say anything in reply to Amy's question, Apollo started to talk instead saying "Why do you think we're here... We are here to tell you about the greatest hero that has ever existed."

The other people in the gym had a look of confusion on their faces and I could tell that some of them were wondering what any of that has to do with me and then I said, hoping that they were talking about someone else "Please tell me your not talking about what I think your talking about."

Probably after reading my thoughts Hermes said "I'm sorry, Percy, but can you please come up to the stage."

"No" I refused, shaking my head as well for effect.

Then everyone except the Olympians and Paul looked at me with a really shocked expression on their faces that I had just told a god 'no'.

Nevertheless, after about ten minutes of everyone just staring at me waiting for me to do or say something, then clearly as a least resort my dad (Poseidon) started talking to me "Please, Perce, just come up to the stage."

Knowing that I couldn't refuse my dad I walked up to the stage, and I walked straight up to Zeus and I looked him in the eyes before I went to punch him, but before my first could connect with his face, Paul stopped me by saying "Perce, punching the drama queen over there isn't going to change anything thats going on right now."

Knowing that Paul was right punching the drama queen wasn't going to change anything, but it would make me feel better so I punched him anyway. Then I said "Maybe you shouldn't have come, I'm not your guinea pig that you can use for your amusement or for your little experiment of telling everyone that the Greek Myths are real."

"Perce, t isn't like that your adventures have already been written down and put into books" Apollo said.

"Percy this is for your own good think about how easier you live would be if everybody in your school knew the truth" Hera explained.

"You have no idea do you, my life had never been easy when monsters aren't using me as their personal punching bag, gods like you Hera are using me for their own places, so do you know what I've had enough if demigods like me weren't around how long do you think it would take until you and Olympus falls. Luke had a point about some go you, you only care about yourselves" I countered.

"Percy you don't mean that do you?" my Dad questioned, probably hoping I would say no and say that I'm just ranting while I'm mad.

"For some of you like Hera, Zeus, Ares and Dionysus I do... Maybe if the lot of you paid more attention to your children from the start instead of using us as your personal army of pawns or having votes on whether to kill them or not, then maybe Kronos would't have risen again and I wouldn't have had the last eleven months of my life taken away from me" I said, finally explaining to them how I truly feel about some of the Olympians.

"So why din't you join Luke and the other demigods that turned there backs on us?... Luke did make you the offer to about hundred times over" Athena asked.

"Because unlike some of you guys the word family actually means something to me... and as much as you guys annoy me sometimes you are still family and as much as I hate to admit it I do love you guys" I replied truthfully.

"Are you going to turn your back on us, Percy, your the only reason why we're still around?" Hades asked.

"No, I'm not going to turn my back on you guys I was just saying if people like me, weren't around do you really think that all you gods and goddesses would still be here" I replied.

Then just when I thought that one of the Olympians were going to say something the same jock that said the gods are just myths said "It can't be that bad."

However, before anyone could say anything in reply to what the jocks said the gym doors opened and in walked Kelli. 

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