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Here we go again. New school in a new region, the farthest from home I've ever been, yet people still know my name. Although I've been enrolled for months now, I was allowed to compete in the league before attending classes, due to said fame. When people know you've reached Top Student status in every school you've attended, leeway is given.

Director Clavell has shown me to my dorm, and I find it pleasing. A small kitchenette, a desk, a bed, and a bathroom makes up my dorm. "I would like to let you know that you may decorate your dorm however you see fit. Some of our student have painted the walls, others have tacked posters up. This is your space to use as you please." He tells me as I drop my hiking bag on the bed. I give him a polite nod and smile.

"Thank you, Director." I say, knowing I won't decorate whatsoever. Mother and Father would consider it a waste of time and money.

"Welcome to Uva Academy, Miss Rose. We are very happy you've chosen to join us. I hope we can teach you many things that will help you in life and with your team." He smiles. I wait for him to say he hopes I share my expertise with the school, but he just gives me a bow and takes his leave. Well then. That's a first. I find my parents have sent my belongings along, so I find a towel, clean clothes, and my toiletries. As I shower, I wonder what's in store for me at this school.

It's reputation is known far and wide as the best school ever built. I'm just thankful that once I graduate from here, my parents will consider my education complete. They will expect me to complete more leagues, probably become one of the Elite Four in whichever is the best one. Only the best will do.

I finish my shower and dress in the required uniform. Since it's lunch time, I head for the cafeteria, already planning my course work. Once I have received my sandwich, I sit at an empty table, studying the map of the school. "Um... Excuse me?" I hear a voice ask. I look up and see a pair of younger girls, who look no older than ten. "Are you Rose? As in, The Rose?" One of the girls asks.

"Well, that depends. What do you mean by The Rose?" I ask cordially.

"The famous Rose! Barely twenty years old and has defeated eight leagues! Valedictorian of every school she attended, raised hundreds, if not thousands, of Pokemon that are now owned by other famous people!" The other girl exclaims, giddy. I give her a soft smile.

"Then yes, I am Rose." I tell her. They ask for my autograph and picture, so I sign a notebook they have, then pose for a selfie. They walk away happy, and I feel good. It's always nice to meet people who are a fan of my work. Almost makes it all worth it.


Two months have passed since I formally started attending classes. For once, the course work gives me a challenge. The only class that's easy is Art Class, which makes for a nice break. Once again, I'm at an empty table, eating lunch and studying. Nearly every student has walked up to me, hoping to be friends. I politely decline each offer, citing how I will be a horrible friend due to my schedule. I've gotten so good at it that no one feels rejected.

Suddenly, four students I haven't met sit down at my table, trays in hand. One is an older girl, about my age with dark hair that has a streak of green in it, pulled into a long ponytail. There's another girl, about thirteen or so with dusty purple hair in pigtails. A third girl, who's probably sixteen or seventeen with boyishly short blue and red hair. The last one is a boy, around my age with both light and dark blonde hair.

"May I help you?" I ask, closing my notebook.

"Names Nemona. We saw that you haven't had anyone sit with you ever. So, we decided to add you to our group." The one with the green streak smile.

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