Ch 16

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I don't know how long I'm in the void for, but as I start coming to my senses, I know I'm not outside any more. By smell, I can tell I'm in a hospital. Or some healthcare facility. I open my eyes, and find I'm in the Miss Miriam's office. How long was Mewtwo speaking with me to get me all the way here!? Looking around, I fine Nemona and Leo cuddled up on another bed fast asleep, Penny and Atticus on the third bed, and sprinkled on the floor and in chairs is everyone else.

I almost snort when I see Jasmine and Riley sharing a chair, both of them almost small enough to fit in it. I try to sit up, but something stops me. I look over and see Arven laying next to me, arm around my bust and pulled tightly to him. That's what kept me from getting up. Well, if he's still cuddling me, he can't be too mad, right? As I wait for the others to wake, I think.

Mewtwo is on his way. And he spoke with Arceus? Who spoke with Dialga, the deity of time? That pokemon I saw was a Yveltal from the future??? It's all starting to give me a headache, so I just watch Arven sleep. I caress his face lightly, smirking at the stubble that's growing in. He did say once he wanted to start growing a beard, see how it looked on him, but the growing in process was too itchy.

What on earth has possessed Sada to do this? Why? I wish Mewtwo had stayed to tell me more. Who are these unlikely allies he spoke of? And how the hell do I convince everyone to wait? For all I know, Director Clavell, Geeta and every other gym leader and/or teacher could be in Area Zero right now.

Arven stirs under my hand, and I pull it away in case he doesn't want me to touch him. I kept secrets from him, told him white lies. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked for my ring back and never spoke to me again. His eyes slowly open, then widen when he sees I'm awake.

"Rose... Thank Arceus you're awake!" He huffs, trying to stay quiet so he doesn't wake the others. He moves his arm from my bust and cups my cheek. "Are you ok? Does anything hurt? You just passed out on us. Not even Mabosstiff's farts could wake you." He sighs. I give him a look.

"Did you really have him fart on my unconscious face?" I ask. Arven looks guilty. I shake my head, and sigh. "I love you, you dork." He smiles at me.

"I love you too. What happened? I've never seen you pass out before. It was terrifying!" He tells me, touching our foreheads together.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. It's sounds insane even to me." I roll my eyes.

"After fighting a ton of paradox pokemon, hearing that call from Sada, then seeing whatever that is coming out of the light, nothing you tell me can sound insane." He says. So, I explain how I met Mewtwo in Sinnoh, befriended him, and now he can mentally connect to me. I relay what he told me, every last bit.

By the time I finish, he's deep in thought. "Also, I'm sorry." I tell him. He looks to me, puzzled. "About not telling you about Mira. Or being in Area Zero so many times. When I got Mira, Sada thought it would be best to keep her secret. To keep it secret that we were even down there to begin with. I... Understand if you're really mad at me. Mad enough... To not want to marry me anymore." I close my eyes, turning my head into the pillow to hide my tears.

Arven moves closer, and kisses my temple. I look back up at him, daring to hope. "I was upset. Area Zero is were Mabosstiff got hurt so badly. I could never forgive myself if you got hurt down there too. But... I know you want to help pokemon and people. Learning about the paradox ones could help. And I highly doubt you knew Sada's plan, otherwise you would have already stopped her.

"Just promise me no more secrets, ok? The only secrets between us are what we got the other as a gift or surprise. Deal?" He asks, lifting my head. A few tears fall, and I bite my lip.

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