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"Tommy you are here by exile from Lamanbreg, Dream take him away." Tubbo said. That's when Tommy wakes up from his nightmare. "Why do I get that Nightmare, reminding me that I am in exile. " Tommy said to himself . Tommy sat on his bed pounding about his life choices. He wished he wasn't exiled for a second time, he wished he wasn't pulled into war twice. "Well there's no reason to wish for something you can't fix , it's not like I can go into the past and fix my past." Tommy said. As he got out of the bed , he took one long stretch and got out of the tent. Tommy ate some apples and waited for Dream. You heard him right, Dream. Dream was the only one who visited Tommy at Exile. As Tommy sat down on the log that Dream allowed to be placed down he waited for him to come. After 30 minutes or so Dream came . "Hey Tommy sorry for the wait." Dream said. "No problem Big D , so what are we doing today?" Tommy asked, wanting to do something. Dream seemed pleased with what Tommy asked. Though he couldn't tell because of the mask the homeless Green screen was wearing. "Am glad you ask , grab stuff that you deemed important. " Dream said . Tommy, not wanting to make Dream mad, decided to do what he said . He ran to his chest that was in the tent and got everything that was important to him, which wasn't much. He then went in front of Dream. "Did you get everything?" Dream asked. He nodded yes . "Okay follow me ." Dream said walking. Tommy had no choice but to follow him. They kept walking a good few miles. Tommy's feet were killing him, but he couldn't complain because he didn't want to get Dream mad . After a couple of more miles they came to a flower field with a chest filled with stuff. "Dream, why is there a chest filled with stuff?" Tommy asked. "Oh this is where you're going to stay for now." Dream said . Tommy's eyes winded, a million thoughts were running through his head . Dream then broke his train of thought. "Tommy, you aren't in trouble. " Dream said in a kind tone . "Then why move my Exile place?" Tommy asks . "I can't tell you now , but I will soon, I promise. " Dream said . Tommy decided to take Dream word for now . "Go use the stuff in the chest to make yourself a house to live in." Dream said. "Okay..." Tommy said, still scared and confused. Tommy looked at the stuff in the chest and decided to make a cottage , don't ask why he decided to make a cottage , he just felt more at home living in a cottage like it was a decent memory. It took a few hours but he finally finished the little cottage. Tommy must say it looked poggers. "Wow Tommy, this looks amazing!" Dream compliment. "Thanks Dream. "Tommy said, taking a compliment. "You should rest it's turning night. " Dream said . Tommy nodded yes and went into the small cottage as slept in the cottage . For some reason he didn't have any more nightmares.

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