Chapter 2 : storage place and flashback

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Tommy woke up and looked around panicking wondering why he wasn't in his tent . It took him a few minutes to remember that his exile place was moved to a different location and Dream allowed him to make house and other things if he wanted. With nothing else to do he decided to make something with extra material that Dream left him in the chest. "I could make a cobblestone tower .... But than the tower itself would have no purpose, for being their... and I already made a little house ..." Tommy said to himself. He than looked over to the materials in the chest. "I could make like storage place , considering that my house is two small to for me to make more chest." Tommy said to himself. Tommy now knowing what to do he decided to make storage place couple blocks not to far from his house but not to close from his house either. Has he was building, Dream went to check up on Tommy and saw making a storage place. "Hey Tommy, need help?" Dream asked. Tommy was in shock for a sec but quickly got over it. "Sure Dream ..." Tommy said  trying to keep his tone steady. Through Dream heard the unease coming from Tommy voice. Dream couldn't help but feel bad for Tommy, but he felt angry at a certain ghost named Ghostbur. He remembered when he confronted Ghostbur, it was after when Tommy was playing with his triten .
As soon as Tommy was ear shot away from the place . Dream than went serious. "Come out ghostbur , I know your here." Dream said . Out came a Transparent Ghost that had brown hair that was wearing a blue shirt and red beanie. "Hello Dream." Ghostbur said in "cheerful " voice. "Drop the act Ghostbur or should I say Wilbur." Dream said looking at the ghost. The ghost quickly dropped the happy go lucky faceda. "Nothing can get past you can it Clay..." Ghostbur taunted. "Why are you harming Tommy? Isn't he your Brother?" Dream said with a monotone.  Ghostbur smiled wildly at the comment. "Why yes he is my "brother " but to make sure he still follows me around like a lost puppy, I have to make sure he scared of you so that when he gets so scared that'll come running to me when I find away to be alive again." Ghostbur said in crazyed voice. "I won't allow that to happen." Dream said has he gripped Ghostbur shirt. "Oh and who's going to believe you a innocent Ghost, who only remembers happy memories or smile trash bag who blew up  a nation twice. " Ghostbur said with evil smile . Dream clinic his fist acting all angry when in reality he was smiling behind the mask.
Flashbacks end .
Dream was so greatful for Punz , and Sapnap and George hearing what ghostbur said . "So do you think this good enough tommy?" Dream asked . Tommy nodded yes , satisfied on how it looked. They even put a fire place next to with a bunch of longs . So it can be a bench.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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