chapter 4 part 14 Mika and carson their fine l guess..

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the next day..

Judy: wakes up and gets ready for school

Judy: gets to school

Judy: sees everyone at school talking about something

Judy: goes up to a random student

Judy: hey do u have any ideal about what everyone is talking about?

random student: Mika went missing last night and people are thinking a student from class 107 had something to do with it

Judy: which student exactly can u give me any details about what they look like?

random student: hmm l know they always wear a mask even at school and their friends with Andrea l think..

Judy: thinks: l know she isn't talking about who l think it is

Judy: are u talking about lilla

random student: yeah her! everyone thinks lilla has something to do with it

Judy: oh ok..

Judy: gets to class..

after class

Judy: walks out of class and sees Carson
And Lilla fighting

Judy: why are u two fighting!

Carson: l know she did something to Mika!

lilla: lies! l would never!

Carson: stop lying for God sakes!

Carson: admit it already! U kidnapped Mika! and u pushed Katie off the rooftop!

lilla: how do u know hmm? where's your proof that l did those things..

Carson: .....

lilla: see exactly u only making yourself look guilty

Carson: oh really am guilty because of something l didn't do!


lilla: punches Carson in the face

Carson: oh u wanna fight! bring it on!

Carson: kicks lilla in the face hard!

lilla: screams in pain

Carson: punches lilla until lilla started bleeding

Carson: smiles

random students started noticing the fight

random student: somebody should get a teacher! before things go even worser!

Judy: am going to!

Judy: runs to where miss Haydn was at

Judy: miss Haydn!

miss Haydn: yes Judy what do u need?

Judy: there's a fight in the hallway and it looks like it's getting violent now!

miss Haydn: .... runs out of the room she was in and runs to where the fight is happening at

miss Haydn: Carson!! stop punching her!

Carson: looks at miss Haydn

Carson: b,but she started the fight

miss Haydn: l don't care am ending it

miss Haydn: Carson go to the principal's office now!

miss Haydn: lilla go to the nurses office.. your face has bruises on it and your nose is bleeding

lilla: thank u miss..

lilla: looks at Carson

Carson: glares at lilla

lilla: smiles

Judy: thinks: well l wasn't expecting that..


Judy: walks home..

Judy: hears footsteps behind her..

Judy: turns around

Judy: sees the same figure in the shadows she saw a few nights ago

Judy: w,who are u!

The figure step closer to her

Judy: backs away and starts running to her house

Judy: gets grabbed by the arm

Judy: let go of me!

Judy's mouth gets covered by something

a familiar voice starts talking

unknown person: clam down Judy. Go to sleep your gonna be fine

everything went Black

but Judy could still hear stuff a little

Levi: sees lilla about to pick Judy up

Levi: wtf! are u doing

Levi: attacks lilla

lilla: throws Levi to the ground

Jacob: oh no u don't get off of my brother u pyscho!

Jacob: kicks lilla in the face

lilla: are u kidding me! l already had my nose bleed once today! it's bleeding again!

lilla: runs off..

Levi: gets up holding his arm so it would stop bleeding

Jacob: are u ok Levi!?

Levi: yeah am fine she just stabbed my arm thats all she did..

Jacob: oh God should we go to a hospital!?

Levi: no l could find some bandages at home

Jacob: looks at Judy..

Jacob: is Judy ok?

Levi: don't think so lilla made her pass out

Jacob: why?

Levi: l think lilla had plans on kidnapping her..

Jacob: um l thinks the others might be right about lilla being apart of why Mika is missing..

Jacob: we should probably report that to the police..

Levi: we will in the morning if we don't forget and see what they could do..

Jacob: ok.. what about Judy..

Levi: since it's kinda not safe here since am worried lilla might come back and get her

Levi: l think she should stay with us for the night

Jacob: good ideal
picks up judy

Jacob and Levi get to their house

to be continued..

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