chapter 5 part 16 my sister is here!! l missed her a lot

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Judy: walks home

judy: sees a familiar person

Sara: sees Judy

Sara: sis! Runs towards Judy

Judy: sis is that really u!?

Sara: yes it's me dad finally let me visit u and mom

Judy: oh yeah l forgot our parents are divorced ldk why

Sara: me neither but that doesn't matter now

Sara: it's been so long since l last seen u

Sara: also guess what!

Judy: what!

Sara: am going to the same school as u now!

Sara: and am gonna help dad find out who killed Katie and Jasper!

Judy: really! And that's cool l guess..

Sara: yup! so l can see u everyday now! and my boyfriend hunter

Judy: oh l forgot u even had a boyfriend lol

Judy: oh u gotta meet my friends in this friend group l made

Sara: wait u actually made friends

Judy: hey! >:[

sara: what am sorry

Judy: it's ok

Sara and Judy go to their house

to be continued..

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