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The weather in Montana in December was cold, and Adriana knew it, which is why she wore so many layers. She had fleece-lined leggings underneath her black mini skirt, with a soft cashmere sweater tucked in. On top of that, she wore a wool-lined jean jacket and a wool scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. She had also decided to wear her warm thigh-high boots. On her head, protecting her blonde hair, was a wool tan beanie with her bag hanging off her arm. The plane ride had been long, but she was happy she was sitting in first class, not the economy. Once she had gotten through security and received her luggage, she walked to the exit of the massive airport calling an uber. 

The uber had arrived quickly, and she was thankful for that; Montana had decided that it was a perfect time for a snowstorm to hit, and even with all the layers that Adriana was wearing, she was still freezing, but that was not surprising since she went from California weather to Montana weather. The thought of California made Adriana sigh; as far as Montana University knew, she had transferred because she needed more experience with being a media representative, and California State University, or CSU, as she referred to it, did not offer that. So she moved; no one needed to know that the real reason she left was that the school's Hockey Coach and star player had drugged her against her will and had done other stuff to her, and when she went to go and report it, the school covered it up and kicked her out. The more she thought about it, the more she hated that she had ever gone to the school because everyone told her not to, no one would believe her, and her name would be forever ruined, but she did not listen; she followed her heart. 

Once Adriana had arrived at Montana's campus, she thanked her Uber driver and walked to the primary office. She told the receptionist her name, and the woman was more than happy to hand over the papers that Adriana needed and the map of the school showing Adriana where on the map her dorm was and how to get there. Adriana thanked her and gave her a smile before grabbing the map, her class schedule, and the rest of the information on the university and began her walk to her new bedroom for the year. Once she arrived, she knocked on the door, hearing no reply. She slid her key into the lock and walked into the bedroom. Half of the room was neatly filled with music posters, dark blue bedsheets, and medical books laid all around the bed and on the desk; the other half was bare. That would be Adriana's side, so she wheeled her luggage into the room and went to sit on the bed. According to her schedule, she did not have any classes for the day, so she could spend unpacking today and getting to know the massive campus. 

Adriana brought out her phone and sent a text to her parents, telling them that she had arrived safe and sound and would call them later in the evening. Once she sent the text, she put her phone away, stood up, grabbed her suitcase, put it on the bed, and opened it. She grabbed her dark green bedsheets and fitted sheet out of the bag and zipped her suitcase back up again before putting the sheets on her bed. Once she added the pillows and made her bed up the way she wanted, Adriana heard the door open, so she turned to see her roommate walk in. The girl that had walked in was not what she was expecting, she was covered head to toe in black with heavy makeup, but Adriana did not mind. "Hi, I am Adriana. I am your new roommate," she says, holding her hand out for her to shake. "Hey, I am Lila," she heard her roommate say, flashing her a smile, and decided to forgo the handshake and instead hugged Adriana. Adriana was more than surprised, but she hugged Lila back nonetheless. Her friends at CSU had left her when she went public with her report, so this was the first person that had given her a hug which was not either of her parents. Once Lila had pulled back, she went to put her backpack on her bed and sat on her bed, "So what brings you to this stuffy, always fucking cold university shit hole" she asked Adriana, and Adriana bit her lip softly before sitting on her bed. "Montana has one of the best University League Hockey teams, and I need better practice at managing and representing a team, so I came here," she said, looking at Lila, who was smirking. "Okay, and what is the real reason? That was why you gave the University, but why did you leave," Lila asked, and Adriana bit her lip even harder, gulping softly.

Adriana looked at her, debating whether or not to tell Lila the real reason, and so after weighing the pros and cons of telling her, Adriana sighed, opening her mouth. "I was assaulted by the University's Hockey coach and Star player, and when I went to the university, they protected the both of them and kicked me out," she said quickly, looking down, trying to keep the tears from falling. Still, a few fell on her lap anyway, and Adriana quickly wiped them. When she was done crying, she looked up to see Lila frowning and watched her stand up and walk over to Adriana and hug her tightly. "I am so sorry; universities are shit sometimes," Lila said, wiping the rest of the tears away and looking at Adriana. "How about this, we move you in, I will show you around, we grab lunch, and then I can introduce you to my friends who will love you and never abandon you like, I am guessing, the fake blonde bitches at your old school did," Lila said and got up grabbing Adriana pulling her up and threw Adriana's suitcase on the bed opening it back up laughing at the clothes that Adriana had brought with her. "New plan, Lunch, and then we go shopping because your clothes will not work in this weather," Lila said and hung up Adriana's clothes in her closet. It had taken Lila all of 30 minutes to unpack Adriana's stuff, pushing Adriana away when she tried to help. Adriana had laughed softly and allowed Lila full reign to do whatever she wanted. 

While Adriana waited, she went on the University's Hockey Team's Instagram and started looking at it frowning. She had her work cut out to ensure the school was better represented, and she clicked on one of the videos of one of the player's interviews and cringed. He sounded unprepared and lost at all the questions, so Adriana made a mental note.  She also pulled up the Sports Journal and began to read some of the articles cringing more; they were horrible. No wonder no one knew anything about the team; no relevant information was given about the game or the players. Once she had finished her stalking, Lila was done, and the both of them grabbed their bags and walked out of their room and down the hall to the Mess Hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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