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Muted olive hills and valleys
Sloping here and there without care
The strong greens fading
As the cold creeps ever closer

Bare wooden forestscapes
Like impenetrable walls of steel
Sharpened spires as branches
Tree trunks acting like prison bars

" I am trapped here, no way out "

My thoughts playing this on loop

Towards the beginning that was

When living in the middle of nowhere
In the sticks of West Virginia
Felt like an exile, a last resort forced to take
Complete isolation of oneself
With illusionary escape




the months were

Though my statements hold true
Energy and connotation differs now
More optimistic and lighthearted
Not so much a spiral of dread
And resistance to acceptance

As Winter draws near, and colors dull
Bright sunlight the last saving grace
The lesson becomes clear
Isolation was necessary
Minimal distractions to sway me
The silence needed to properly hear

Raw Truth from my Soul
And guidance from the Universe
Though one in the same

In a world full of opinions
I needed my facts
Being alone the only option

To uncover,


and rebuild

my Self

With pure Truth and intentions

Through my ethereal Being
And not the false ideologies

Of someone else's tainted energy

// J A X

november 27, 2022

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