Chapter 6

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Hi there!! I'm really happy if you're reading this and really hope you enjoy it. I love all of you and good luck wishing or saving!

Time to prepare

I woke up, like usual, in my bed but I stayed in bed. I was looking at the ceiling, then at the window, then back at the ceiling. I didn't have what to do, I was too tired to move but too awakened to fall back asleep. I started shifting on to my day dreams and as I was imagining a completely normal story suddenly Venti came into my story. I was surprised but the story went on and I realized we had a romantic relationship in my imagination. I started to blush really hard at the thoughts and started moving around from excitement. Albedo then woke up to that and stood up to check on me. As he saw me blushing red as a tomato moving around like a worm in my bed, he had realized what I was thinking of. He didn't know what exactly but he knew it was Venti. He then sighted and said, "What's so interesting in that bard for you? Is it the looks or the personality? Or is it the way he always brings you home?" He looked really confused and tired. "I don't know...all, but even more, I love everything about him." After saying that I sat up, looking out of the window, I then closed my eyes and opened them back as I stood up from my bed. I believe i really do love him...but why? It's been just a few days... I thought for myself. Albedo just said, "Well today you can slack off work I'll find a way to not let others know but after that you need to spend more time with Klee as know now that since mom is gone she's been kinda sad but won't tell anyone. I saw her with a tear in her eyes when she was alone. She misses mom and I don't have that much time to spare. Please don't forget about least Klee. Well then good night." He said that and layed back to bed. I looked at Klee worried and thought of how to make it up to her. I came up to Klee kissed her forehead and went to change my clothes. After I was done I went outside.

As I arrived to the little shop owned by Blanche I greeted her, "Hello again!" She smiled and greeted me aswell, "Hello, would you like to buy anything today?" I then nodded, "Could i please have 4 apples? That will be-...could you add onions, tomatoes and milk aswell please?" She smiled and sounded the price, it was a lot but i payed for all of it took it with me and proceeded straight to Sara, that said I meant good hunter. I greeted her aswell and asked, "Could I please have flour?" I again paid for all of it and realized I was now out of money. I smiled and went to the fountain. I talked with myself, "Oh no...what now? I'm out of money..." Just after I said that I heard someone yelling out my name. "Y/N!!!" I turned around and saw Venti. I blushed and smiled, "Hi!" I greeted him. As he saw my hands full of ingredients for cooking he asked, "Oh are you gonna cook??" I looked at him and said, "No not yet...actually I'd like to ask you something." Venti tilted his head and asked, "What is it?" I then said, "Well you see...tomorrow I'd like to spend time with my sister and brother if I can but I need to prepare everything and I want it to be a surprise..!" He smiled, "Aww that's cute. Do you want me to help? And those ingredients are for..?" I nodded and responded, "Well my sister, she likes to make fisherman toasts! So I figured we could make some together...but I dunno where or how to prepare something like this..." Venti smiled and said, "Well then, allow me to help you!" I smiled and said, "Thanks Venti, I- uh- I..." OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE! I almost said I love you! Oh no... What now... I thought, "I uh...I WON'T FORGET THIS! yeah...that's what I wanted to say...eheh.." I embarrassedly smiled and looked away. I saw at the corner of my eye Venti smile. "So where would you want it to be?" He asked like if nothing happened. I just looked at him and said, "I don't know." He then took some of my stuff I was holding and said, "Well then! Hope you don't mind if it's at Windrise!" I smiled and we went to Windrise.

As we got there we both posed all of our stuff on the ground in front of the huge tree. "You're right! It's a beautiful place to spend time at..." He just smiled and ran away. I got confused and yelled out, "Venti? Where are you going!" He then came back with a flower, it was a wind wheel. He gave it in my hair and smiled. I blushed hard at this and turned away from him looking back so that he doesn't see my red face. He giggled and said, "Well! I don't know what you had in mind but what if it was a picnic?" I looked at him and smiled, "Good idea!" We then started looking where would be the best place to sit at, more and more organizing as we started to get really hungry. "I forgot to have breakfast... I'm kinda hungry" I said to Venti and he nodded, "I'm hungry aswell. Let's go eat something....oh wait, don't you have work?" I winked at him and ran away. He then smiled and yelled out, "Wait do I take the ingredients or?" I looked back at him and pointed at the tree. He picked up the ingredients, posed them all the way up on the tree and glided to me. I started running and he ran after me.

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