ALL DAY I find myself anticipating my detention. Though it sounds boring, I think you'll find joy in it... What did Dumbledore mean by that?
When the time finally comes for me to go to the library, I am full of inexplicable jitters. I don't bother bringing anything, due to the fact that detention usually means manual work. I walk down the many flights of stairs it takes to get to the 1st floor, and make my way to the library. Upon entering, I hear a faint, lyrical laugh - that I've come to know as Tom Marvolo Riddle's - drift towards the entrance of the library. Does Dumbledore really know about my feelings for Tom? Or is it something else entirely...? I shake the thought from my mind as I enter the library and walk towards Madam Pince's desk, where her and Tom chat. Madam Pince smiles warmly at me - shes always had an odd liking for me.
"Hello, darling! I'm glad you could come! I was just talking to Mr. Riddle here about your assignment. Tom, would you fill her in?"
Tom smirks, looking me up and down. The butterflies in my chest explode into a frenzy of flutters. Then, he tears his eyes away from me and looks at Madam Pince once more, leaving me breathless and confused.
"I'd be happy to, Madam." - Tom gestures for me to follow him, as he explains our task. Apparently, we are to organize the books, restack, and sort out the books that Madam Pince wants moved to the Restricted Area. "Here's half of the list." Tom says, after tearing the list of books that need moving. He hands one half to me. I nod slowly. "So... how come you're doing this?" I ask, as my eyes slowly skim the list, before I look up at Tom. Tom walks down the first aisle of books leisurely, as he grazes each book spine with his fingers, his arm moving in a wave-like motion. He reminds me of a young, curious child as he does this.
"I could ask you the same."
"It was my punishment for punching Georgia. Though, this is probably better than most would get."
"And why's that?"
I turn red, as I try hastily to think of a good reply. "Uh, bec-, I uh..." I stammer, before giving up. Tom laughs. "Okay, then. Well, if you'd like to know, I am here on Dumbledore's orders... also I have to return a book I borrowed last year, so I needed an excuse..." he says, trailing off and returning to dragging his fingers against the books. I don't pry, and for the most part, Tom and I complete our task in silence. When he finally speaks in his soft, mesmerizing voice, I actually drop the stack of books I was holding.
"Did you actually just mutter crap? I didn't think of you to be that innocent."
Tom's laugh sends a rush of electricity through my blood, as my entire body becomes warm with embarrassment. I swallow it, and look at Tom with a smirk. "Yes, Riddle, I did." I retort. Tom's face screws up in - in anger? Tom slams me against the shelves, and looks at me intensely. "Don't call me Riddle." he growls, and I shrink back in shock and slight fear. "I-I was j-just joking..." I reply with a feeble whisper, and like a light switch, Tom's expression goes from angry to hurt.
"But - But you never call me Riddle."
Did I actually hurt Tom Marvolo Riddle's feelings?

Fanfiction𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪𝑯 a certain Gryffindor girl turns out to be Tom Riddle's only exception... Imogen Avery, the younger sister of Emlyn Avery, has been in love with Tom Riddle since she first met him. He's always been nice to her, and she can't help but...