Episode 5: The start of my Path.

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Comienza a escribir tu historia

We see the household of the Newgates, in the ample backyard they have, we can see a small group of people, the crew & two young adults, one with a characteristic head of yellow hair, that resembles the crown of a pineapple, and the other one a handsome but heavily scarred teen with embers & flames surrounding him and creating a flame left arm, while shooting flames at the group.

Marco: Time, you all did very well you are all approaching a level in which you will be very easily accepted at UA, just prepare yourselves for your exam, and one advice I give you, if you ever land on the class 1A, never, and I say never try to test the pattience of the homeroom teacher, he doesn't care about expelling a student he doesn't percieve as apt for the hero course.

Ace: Oh you are referring about Mr Aizawa, right?

Marce: You know him?

Ace: Yes he was my teacher also, he was a total hardass, he expelled 4 students on their 1st day because they failed his tests.

Izuku, Doflamingo, Bakugo, & Marceline: Whaaaaat! 

Marco & Ace: Yes  he is that way. (They say as they both shudder as they remember their time as students).

Izuku: That means we will need to give our all for the exams right guys!

Doflamingo: Yes we will do it!

Bakugo: Obviously I'll win I am the best at the moment.

Marceline: Yeah, Yeah, believe what you want Sparkplug.

Bakugo: Oi, what did you just call me!

Marceline: I called you Sparkplug, Sparkplug. (She said while snickering).

Bakugo: That does it come here and prove your strength against me! (While sparking and generating an ever increasing popping sound).

Marceline: Okay Runt this will end quickly. (She said while activating her power on her hand which look like a black cloud).

Before they start they are stopped by thin threads, and the feeling of no longer feeling either the earth under their feet.

Doflamingo: Hey stop it, this is like the hundredth time you try to fight, when will you stop.

Bakugo: I'll stop when Miss Perfect here stops annoying me, now you Glasses, and nerd drop me before I blast you to bits.

Izuku & Doflamingo: Ok. (They say while deactivate their powers, and drop Bakugo and Marceline on top of eachother).

Bakugo: Get out my back you overcompensating vacuum cleaner, you are heavy!!

Marceline: What did you say Sparkplug, I'll beat your ass one I untangle from this mess of threads.

Marco: Ok, sufficient bickering let me cut you out of this mess, you lovebirds. (Ace, Izuku, and Doflamingo start to laugh).

Marceline: Me in love with this Explosive runt, in your dreams Tiki Hair.

Bakugo: and you, you crippled torch stop laughing or I'll show serious explosions.

Ace just smirks, and help untie them.

They are finally freed, and they say goodbye to Marco who was going to start his shift, and Ace who still is stuck doing paperwork since he is still recovering, The crew then sepparates and go to their respective houses.

Marceline: Hey Bro, how do you think we will do in the exam, we have just the weekend for it?

Izuku: Sis, I think we are in the clear, we have been training with Pops, & Marco and Ace, we will be fine.

Marceline: Bakugo is rubbing of on you you know it right?

Izuku: Maybe, but at least I was not hugging with him, while all tied up.

Marceline: Hey Pipsqueak, I wasn't hugging him we were tied, what do you wnated me to do at that moment?

Izuku: maybe tell us to free you earlier instead of staying there. (He said teasing his adoptive sister).

Marceline: Stop it Pipsqueak, we need to hurry, Ma will worry if we are not there in time.

Izuku: Oh yeah lets hurry, so we can help Mom.

Izuku and Marceline arrive to their home, which is very quiet, since their father wasn't still at home, since he had a very late shift, with Marco, and his interns.

They arrive at the room of their mother, who is normally asleep or resting at this time, the reason of this is that their Mom, is a very frail woman, who tends to get sick, it wasn't never fatal illnesses, but she could be seen resting when she could, ever since she retired from being a pro-hero, this happened because she over-exerted her quirks, and this resulted in her weak constitution, but she stayed at their home, and she was now a teacher at the Gen-Ed courses of UA.

Izuku & Marceline: Hello Mom/Ma, how are you doing, are you feeling well?

Amelie: Yes I am doing better, come give me a hug you two rascals, how did your training session with yours brother went.

Izuku: It was all good, we are trully starting to get better, but you should tell someone here, that they don't get to Handsy with another one of the group.

Marceline: Izuku!!!

Amelie: Oh, what happened.

Marceline: Don't you dare Pipsqueak, zip it.

Izuku: When we were training someone got very close to Bakugo.

Marceline: Mom, that wans't what trully happened we got trapped in some of the threads of Doflamingo, and we got stuck.

Amelie: Oh is that so? (She said smirking, while winking at Izuku).

Marceline: MA, I'M GOING TO MY ROOM! (She said while stomping out of the room and slamming her door shut).

Amelie: Dear, stop bothering your sister you know she really appreciates all of you.

Izuku: I know it, I am just teasing her.

They stop as they hear the door opening and seeing the hulking silouette of  their father and spouse respectively, smiling at them.

Shiro: Hello, how were your days?

Izuku: very good Pops, we were training with Marco, and Ace, I think you saw them at the HQ right?

Shiro: Yes, I saw them cackling and laughing at something, did something happen?

Izuku and Amelie, just smirk and tell that nothing happened.

Shiro: Well are you all prepared for your entry exam?

Izuku: yes, Father we are all ready to give it our all.

Marceline: Father you arrived?

Shiro: Hello my little princess, how are you?

Marceline: Pa, I am 16 I am not little anymore.

Shiro: Anyways you will still be my little daughter, come give your old man a hug.

Izuku, Marceline, and Amelie, all hug Shiro, as they are preparing for the next phase in their kids life, a start to their careers to transform them into better people, that seek to make a change in this world.

So here ends this chapter, hope you liked it.

Be safe, and have a very good day, this is Aegis, and goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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