Sophie Deveraux

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"Well, well, well, what have we here? I gotta tell you Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight." Marcels voice boomed through the street, notifying the witches who were mourning their lost sister.

"Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson." Charlotte says cruelly. She truely did hate the New Orlean's witches.

"We're putting her to rest Marcel. Leave us alone, please Charlotte." Sophie Deveraux pleaded, as she wiped her runny nose.

"And who said you could move her body? Marcel, did you say she could?" Charlie asked sarcastically as Marcel shaked his head.

"I never said she could move the body. Matter of fact, we left her here for a reason: send a message. Right?" He looks away from Charlie to face the witches. "If anybody is thinking of joining some kind of rebellion, my rules state that witches can't practice magic in the Quarter and yet a little birdy informed me that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious."

"Oh that reminds me, quick Q&A. My old boy toy, Klaus, just happened to show up out of the blue asking for, of all people, Jane-Anne. Call me jealous, but I'd like to know why?" Charlotte questioned as she moved closer to Sophie, who took a step back in fear.

"I don't know. Witches don't get involved in vampire business. There not supposed to anyways..." She dared say as she directed the last part to Charlie. Glaring at the werewitch up and down in disgust. To which Charlie just smiled.

"That would be pretty stupid, that's for sure. Tell you what, go back to the restaurant, cook up some of that famous gumbo, and keep those tourists happy. And next time we see you we better get an answer." Marcel warned as he got ready to leave.

But Charlotte was still not satisfied, maybe if Sophie hadn't glared at her earlier she would've been nicer and allowed her to mourn her sister in peace, but the queen tolerated no acts of disrespect.

She reached her arm to the side to stop Marcel from moving. A cruel smile painted on her lips, as she glared at Sophie. The witch seemed to have found some dangerous sort of bravery as she didn't back down and glared right back at Charlotte.

She almost laughed as she saw Sophie's face drastically change as she uttered her next words.

"Take the body." Charlotte's command was directed at her vampire posee who quickly obeyed. Sophie's demeanor fell completely as she saw the vampires grab her sister's courpes.

"What? No! Stop! Stop! Charlotte please!" The girl begged.

"I'm gonna hold on to your sister's body in case maybe you remember why Klaus is here. And as an extra bonus I'm taking her magic, maybe next time you won't be as bold when addressing me."

Charlie didn't syphone magic as much as she used to, not wanting anything to do with the New Orleans witches. But she could unlike other witches syphone a dead witches power and harness it for herself. This ability allowed Charlotte to become one of the most powerfulest witches. Every witch she had killed, she'd take their power.

An added bonus to the whole thing was that not only did the act of Charlotte taking Janne- Anne's power affect Sophie, but it affected all of the New Orlean witches. They practice ancestral magic, meaning their power comes from the witches who have died and been concicrated in New Orleans soil.

So if she took Janne-Anne's power, they're would be none left to give back to the earth. No extra magic for them.

"Charlotte please. Her body won't be at peace. You're a witch you know this, please!"

"It really isn't my problem, is it amour?"

With that Charlie turned to leave, with a laughing Marcel at her side. Grinning as he spoke into her cheek in between kisses.

"You truely are vicious, princess."

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