rylee kills all the British ppl 🥺

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Rylee and springdaddy had been happily married for one day now. They had already been dating for a week before they got married. Rylee had slowly started to convert springdaddy to emoism and they had even had an emo wedding.

"Where should we go for our honeymoon bbg🥺🥺" springdaddy said in the most emo way possible as rylee stared into the mirror and fixed her emo makeup that she didn't wear because she wasn't like the other girls and was naturally beautiful and didn't need makeup.

"We should go to britain so that we can kill all the britainers who have ruined the americans of this world😡" rylee said.

"Ok bbg🥺 I'll buy the plane tickets now🥰" said springdaddy.

Rylee made sure she was emo enough one more time before standing up and kissing springdaddy passionately.

As they got on their plane to visit the britianers they saw a British person on the plane. Rylee could recognize them from the scent as she was the alpha. She immediately walked towards them and pushed them out the emergency exit as soon as they reached a high enough altitude.

"Good job bbg🥺🥰" springdaddy said as she walked by and sat down again.

"Thank you springdaddy🥺" rylee said before kissing him passionately.

Everyone on the plane cheered and clapped for them because rylee just isn't like the other girls.

As soon as they made it to britain they went to the queens castle. They pushed her off the ledge and that was how she died. While springdaddy hid the body rylee changed out of her emo clothes into the queens clothes so she could pose as the queen.

When springdaddy came back he didn't even recognize her and thought that she was actually the queen.

Rylee stood on the edge of a cliff whilst still dressed as the queen and she called every britainer in existence to the cliff. People were crossing the seas from different places because they heard rylee, dressed as the queen, calling them.

Once everyone was on the cliff rylee started singing fight song because she's not like the other girls. She pushed every single britainer in existence off the ledge to kill them. Once every britainer was dead rylee kissed springdaddy passionately before pulling apart and continuing to sing fight song.

Rylee continued to sing fight song as she burned the entirety of britain down. Before long every trace of britain had been cleared out.

As soon as she made it back to America every single American cheered for her and thanked her for killing off the weakest (british people) she then got on national television and sung fight song as everyone cheered for her. She just wasn't like the other girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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