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It was my first day of going outside and being mute. I was taking some time to myself thinking about my voice and I found that I really am annoying to be around. No wonder why some cookies tell me to shut up.

Strawberry Crepe kind of helped me find out about this.

"You talk too much! It's hard to focus!" Strawberry Crepe shouted.

"Ah, sorry! I tend to get carried away sometimes!" I responded.

"Sometimes!? More like all the time!" They said, "You don't know when to shut up!"

"Sorry..." I said, feeling a bit hurt by their words.

"Why don't you just shut up forever?" They asked.

I felt myself stop walking for a moment as that memory played in my head. Their words hurt a lot, but it helped me understand what others thought about me. I talk too much, I always get too carried away when I start to talk about something that I enjoy.

Maybe if I show them how I've changed and become mute, they would like me? Probably not though, it's hard to change an opinion on someone once you have seen their behavior repeat multiple times. I don't think I want to see them anyways, I'm still upset about what they said to me.

I am a bit desperate to get friends though, I would change many things about myself if I can get a friend. I don't have any friends because of how much I talk. I did think I had a friend once but I found out it was a fake friend, they didn't care about me. I feel alone.

Seeing all of these cookies walking around with their own friends makes me feel lonely. They all look so happy, talking to each other and laughing.

. . .

I don't want to be outside anymore...

Mango Goes MuteWhere stories live. Discover now