Eve's World

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Eve sat at lunch, quietly eating a sandwich while she scanned the lunchroom for something entertaining. She was never really a talker, in fact, it was rare to hear a peep out of her unless you were in her history class. Eve had always been a watcher, yet, she got picked on, just like her brother. As she was scanning the lunchroom, a voice rang up behind her. 

"Hey Wednesday!" an annoying voice loudly said. Eve rolled her eyes and brushed Vanessa off. "So Adams, how's life so alone?" Vanessa pushed. 

"It's great actually, maybe you should try it sometime, but I don't think you'd be capable of doing that since your always with your posse and you seem to rely on them to make yourself feel better. Now go away." Eve said, a hint of annoyance evident.

"Oh c'mon, I was just gonna ask if I could sit with you! I think I should give you a chance." Vanessa smirked. "Whadda you say?" Eve looked down and sighed. 

"Fine, but we are not buddy-buddy, and don't act like we're friends, Vanessa." She replied. Vanessa snaked around to the other side of the table and sat down, setting her lunch box on the table as a mother would their purse. The bag was bright pink, glittering with sparkles and a huge V right in the middle. 

"So Wednesday, what do you like to do?" She asked, quizically. 

"It's Eve, for starters and I like to watch history movies," Eve answered. Vanessa sighed.

"Sounds boring."

"Probably because half of the time during history class you're always on your phone."

"Am not." Just then, an Instagram notification sound popped up from Vanessa's phone and she giggled. "O-M-G, Kylie Jenner just posted!" Eve laughed a little.

"See? always on your phone." She repeated. 

"Did you just laugh?" Vanessa looked at Eve, shocked.

"No. It was your imagination V, of course, I just laughed I have emotions too. Jeez," Eve smiled at Vanessa and she smiled back. 

"You're not as bad as I thought, Eve." 

"Whoa, it's almost as if I've never said or done anything." She recalled.

"Yeah, honestly, I'll be real with you, I'm not always happy with my big group, sometimes I feel left out and recently more than usual. It's weird for me not to be popular and hang around with my group." V said quietly. "I just don't know what to do. Sure I love my friends but it's overwhelming sometimes to just have that many." Eve's eyes went wide.

"Do they care for you? Would they ever do the same for you?" Eve questioned. V looked down.

"I-I'm not sure anymore," She let out a long sigh, "Katie and I have known each other since 1st grade and now that we're popular she's always spending time with our new friends but we don't ever get to hang out together as two anymore."

"Maybe you should talk to her," Eve said softly.

"Maybe, but I don't want her to think I'm selfish." V looked at Eve, a morose expression across her face. 

"Try it, I'll be rooting for you. Maybe you're not so bad after all too." Eve smiled and grabbed a piece of paper out of her bag, jotting down her phone number before giving it to Vanessa. V smiled gratefully before taking the paper from Eve's pale hands. 

"Sorry for picking on you all the time...I guess it was to blend in."

"Yeah, I know." She looked reassuringly at Vanessa, and they both began eating again.

Later, Eve and Oliver headed home. Eve reached out her long pale hands and turned the knob on their front door, opening it. She then smiled at Oliver. "I have a lot to tell you," she said with a grin. Oliver looked back at her. 

"Tell me about it, surely it has to be good if you're smiling like this, you're even taking your hair out of your braids." He watched her long black curly locks fall out of her hair ties as she undid them. "I haven't seen you with your hair down since you were five!" Eve laughed quietly before she began rambling on about the history lecture. She then stumbled onto the talk about becoming friends with Vanessa, and Oliver froze. "Vanessa!?"

Eve looked confused. "Yeah, I think her sister is Scarlett, is there something wrong?" she questioned her older brother before it dawned on her. "Ohhh."

"Eve, don't mess up. Scarlett and I have known each other since first grade, I can't lose her if something happens between you and V." Oliver huffed and looked at Eve, worried.

"I won't mess up, I promise," and with that, Eve went to her room and Oliver went to his. She sighed in peace and flopped onto her bed. relaxing. 

The scent of Pumpkin Spice and cinnamon candles flooded into her nose and she smiled, sitting up and grabbing her laptop from her backpack. Just then, Blixen, their black cat, jumped onto the bed and into her lap. "Oh hey, kitty!" Eve giggled and pet the furry companion's head. Blixen purred away at the hands of Eve and then she removed them, his purring coming to a stop. She opened her laptop and began studying for her history test, sucking in as much information as she could. When she was done, she shut her laptop and began to hum a tune she had in her head. Eve didn't know what this tune was, where it came from, or why she would hum it, but she knew the words to it. As the tune started, Blixen ran out of the room, going to the kitchen where their mother was making snickerdoodles. She closed her eyes and began walking around the room, humming the song. Eventually, when she finished, she became curious. Eve got her laptop, opened it once more, and went to google, she then searched the words in her head.

"Upon the moonlight

Within thy skies

There lies magic deep inside

Upon Hallows Eve thee shall seek 

Thy magic within thee one thee seek

Take to thy skies and guide thy light

Find thy child that must contain thy light

There thee shall see

Thy child is thy destiny" 

Eve scrambled, typing the words, and then press search. What she found was rather strange, a link to the Salem witch trials and wiccan.org, and many other sites. She spent time, searching through each of these but none of them were down to a tea. Eve eventually shook it off and thought nothing of it. Halloween was right around the corner, and by that, the next day was Hallows Eve. 

EVE!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن