"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus"

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"On all Hallows Eve, there was a family whose ghosts haunt the asylum in Salem, those who go in never come out. Head thy warning for the crazed family might snatch your soul if you dare to explore the retched haunt." Ms. Merriwether spoke in a spooky voice, and Oliver rolled his eyes. 

"C'mon teach, that's just a tale," he said, smiling.

"Oh but Dennison, my dear boy, countless people have gone and never returned." Ms. Merriwether reminded him. Oliver huffed.

"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus, no one ever believed the smalls so they went crazy and they were moved into the asylum and died there one by one, why would they haunt the place they suffered in?" 

"Vengeful spirits Oliver Dennison, they are full of hatred and anger-" Ms. Merriwether was stopped by Mr. Bailie.

"May, I do hope you're not scaring these kids." He chuckled. Mr. Bailie was dressed in a wizard costume and a funny fake beard that went down to his hips. The class howled with laughter when Mr. Bailie walked in. Oliver rolled his eyes again and the bell rang.

"See? Just a bunch of Hocus Pocus," and with that, he left the classroom and made his way home with Eve. 

Eve was wearing the costume of Lydia from Beetlejuice. "The teacher told a mortifying story today about a place here in Salem, something about an asylum I think," she recalled.

"Oh c'mon, you really believe that stuff?" Oliver snorted. "It's not real, plenty of people go in and out of that place." He held Eve's hand as they took the crosswalk. 

"I think it's real. If it wasn't why was he speaking so lowly? No one ever found out who killed their youngest daughter and when the family tried to speak, the cops turned their heads almost as if they didn't care. Not only that but their youngest son went missing and they turned their heads away once more. Of course, they would be haunting that place, they need someone to listen to them." Eve sighed and looked at her brother worried. 

"Eve, I can assure you, speaking from 17 years of experience I never once encountered a ghost. You're fine," Oliver sounded annoyed and then they reached home. Their mother was in the kitchen baking as usual, and she called her kids in.

"Ollie! Eve! Cookies!" The mother shouted. Oliver and Eve looked at each other for a split second before smirking and racing each other to the kitchen. Ollie reached down onto the cookie rack, picked one up, and ate it happily. Eve took two and Oliver then took two more. The mother then scolded them and they all began to laugh. 

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