The morning

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It's the morning after Red Son's stay at Mk's house and Xiaotian wakes up to  his alarm, after lazily moving his arms about Mk shuts off the alarm. It's then when he tries to get out of bed that he realizes that their was a slight warmth on top of his sheets. 'What was it that happened last night again?' Xiaotian thinks to himself before remembering that he had a sleepover with Red Son. Speaking of which where was the bull prince?

Why in his room of course.

Red son had awoken just a few minutes before Mk and had finnished writing a letter thanking Xiaotian for spending time with the bull prince, when a certain alarm clock went of. Quickly grabbing their belongings Red Son had forgotten her jacket. Now the bull prince was walking back and forth inside her room. 'Was that the right move?' 'should i have left before the noodle boy awoke?' 'was it rude to leave like that?' these thoughts ran through Red Son's head, untill a knock was heard at his door. "Red Son, open the door I have matters to discuss with you." 'Crap. It's mother.' Red had quickly moved his bag behind her desk and tidied up their hair before opening the door. "Hello mother, I apologize for the delay." Princess Iron Fan looks him up and down before frowning. "Red son, you look horrid. You weren't in the forge last night. Where were you." Red son gulped he hadn't thought of what to tell his mother when he'd return. "I was out, gathering materials mother." PIF had a displeased look on her face "Do not lie to me boy." He'd been caught. "I was out...with the noodle boy." Right then a frown that Red Son had never seen before was on her face, he'd messed up. "Pack your bags boy." Red Son stood shocked "Mother what do you mea-" "If you so wish to ally yourself with the enemy than you shall take refuge with them. I will not host a traitor son." Red looked at the ground and clenched his fist. "Yes mother." With that PIF took her leave, Red Son began packing clothing along with a few personal items. Then he teleported to Pigsy's Noodles.

"KID! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE A CAKE IN THE OVEN ALL NIGHT?????" Pigsy worriedly screeched. "I forgot about it and I made sure to tell Mr. Tang before I left!" Mk panicked trying to defend himself and Pigsy just sighed heavily "listen bud I'm just worried. Something bad could've happened and-" Red Son walked in the shop, everything went silent.

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