Chapter 1

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This has been a year in the making. Everyone was fully on bored with the idea of creating a Friends Reunion. They all signed their respective contracts in order for this to take place. Everyone was raring and ready to go.

Then the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Everything was put on hold. The world went into lockdown, no one allowed to leave the comfort of their own homes, which evidently meant that this very special reunion would have to wait until the world was safe again.

In a weird way, this pandemic was a blessing in disguise. This meant they could really get their minds together and think of ways to make the upcoming show even more perfect.

They had scheduled it again for August 2020, in the hopes that this worldwide hiatus would finally be over. Everything they had thought of was ready to go. This just meant that they wouldn't be able to have that audience like they'd originally wanted.

But yet again, that also had to be postponed.

With this new revelation, the cast, that included Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer, all began to connect even more with each other over zoom. Weekly chats, catch ups and discussing everything that would go into this one-time-special reunion on HBO MAXX.

At first, it started out as a group zoom, sometimes lasting hours as they all found endless topics to discuss. Then, slowly but surely, two members of the gang in particular, began having a few zoom sessions in between.

Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer.

It was no secret that those two had a connection. Hell, anyone could blatantly see it when they were in character as Ross and Rachel. It didn't take a genius to work that out.

In the beginning, their conversations were just about old friends reuniting after not being in touch for god knows how long, but then as the weeks went by, the topics began to slowly change.

Firstly, to Ross and Rachel, and how playing those two characters had opened up endless possibilities in their careers and how it was the best job both of them have ever had.

Then it began to shift to their feelings towards each other back then, how they wished that there was a window of opportunity for them to potentially take their 'relationship' to the next level, but also wanting to maintain their professionalism.

After that hurdle, their conversations drastically changed to remembering when they would sneak into each other's dressing rooms for quick make out sessions here and there, but still wanting to remain professional about crossing 'that line', both knowing that it couldn't happen, but also turning a blind eye when it came to a few sneaky kisses here and there, knowing full well they were both in relationships with other people, but both not having the power to at least 'explore' that area.

~ Flashback ~

It was a warm Los Angeles evening sometime in early 2021, both Jen and David ready to begin yet another one of their zoom catch ups.

Their previous catch ups had changed in tone, both of them unconsciously flirting with one another. They just couldn't help it. This was Jen and David after all.

This particular catch up, they had decided beforehand that they would dig a little deeper into the late 90s and early 2000s, wanting to get all their 'elephants' out in the open and then start with a clean slate... and that's exactly what they did.

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