Chapter 3

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Their breaths have returned to normal, having spent the last ten minutes just laying next to each other, hands interlocking, breathing their way through a comfortable silence, until Jen decides to break it.

"I know we really need to discuss things, but do we have to do that right now? All I want to do is just lay here with you, cuddle you, talk to you and fall asleep in your arms. Can we please just do that tonight and address everything else in the morning?"

"Of course we can. I want nothing more than to just be here with you, no questions asked. Let's have tonight to just indulge in this, and then in the morning, whilst we eat breakfast, we can have that chat? Does that sound okay to you?"

"That sounds perfect" Jen replies, yawning as she moves her naked body closer to his

"Close your eyes sleepyhead. I hope you have wonderful dreams... I know I will"

With the lights turned off, silence overcomes the room, and the two inhabitants drift off into a peaceful and satisfied sleep.


Jen is awoken earlier than she would've liked by the bright sun seeping through the partially open drapes of her bedroom. She yawns, stretches and for a brief moment, she's slightly confused as to why there's an arm that's not hers wrapped around her stomach... and then she remembers.

Last night.

She didn't expect it to happen, but she's so glad it did.

Her mind takes her back to when she was wrapped up in his embrace on the couch, before their sweaty bodies were moving together in the very bed she's laying in right now.

A smile creeps onto her face as she slowly turns around and is face to face with the true definition of sleeping beauty.

The way his eyelids flutter as he dreams.

The way his mouth is slightly parted, with small puffs of air escaping as he sleeps soundly, clearly very comfortable with their current arrangement.

She couldn't remember a time she felt this happy.

Something about this man brings out the best in her.

As she continues to watch him, he slowly begins to stir, his eyes opening and he immediately greets her with the most perfect smile.

"Mmm... morning you" He says in a groggy voice

"Morning you" She replies, her voice soft and sweet

"Last night was better than I could've ever imagined" Said David as he became more awake, he himself reliving their intimate moment from the night before

"Same for me, and waking up next to you... my heart is so happy right now"


After freshening up, the pair are now in the kitchen, sitting at the island in the middle, avocado on toast and a coffee in front of them.

"Can I just start off by saying that last night was more than I could've ever wished for..." David began, placing his knife and fork down, looking on at the woman sitting opposite him

"...I always knew you were special. You captured my heart from the moment I first met you. You're this kind, generous, drop-dead gorgeous woman... who wouldn't fall for you? If someone told me this time last year, I'd be here with you, having this conversation, I wouldn't have believed a word they said. Yet here we are..." He pauses again for a moment, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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