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Olivia Baker

"I can't lie, I am a little nervous" Olivia said as she approached the counseling office. "Spencer, Ms. Johnson said it was an emergency meeting. What could she possibly tell me?" she inquired as she opened the door.

"I understand why you're worried but I feel like you're going to be fine" Spencer assured her. "You just call me when the meeting is over and we can discuss it later. Aight?" he continued.

"I will keep you updated. I love you" Olivia told him and then hung up the phone.

Olivia signed her name on the clip board and patiently waited for academic counselor to call her name.

"Olivia Baker" the counselor called out and Olivia stood to her feet.

"Hi Ms. Johnson, how are you?" Olivia inquired as she followed after her counselor.

"I am doing well, how about you?" Ms. Johnson asked as she opened the door to her office.

"The same could be said for me. Thank you" Olivia entered the office and sat in the seat across from Ms. Johnson.

"I called for you to come in this morning because your professors have expressed their concern about you" Ms. Johnson began and Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "Last semester you were pretty stellar at attending your Zoom classes and submitting your work. I have been told that you've had more than five unexcused absences in all three of your classes. Is everything okay?" she continued.

"I...recently experienced an unexpected and tragic loss in my family. I am still adjusting to motherhood while also being a wife to my husband" Olivia answered. "Ms. Johnson, it's never my intention to miss my classes" she continued.

"I understand that, Olivia. But for future reference you've got to let your professors know what is going on" Ms. Johnson told her. "Consider this a warning because next time it consequence will be serious" she said and Olivia nodded her head.

"I promise to communicate with my professors about what's been going on" Olivia told her.

"I will hold you to that Ms. Baker" Ms. Johnson said. "But if I were you I would also reconsider if school is something you can commit to. Right now might not be a good time for you and that is also okay" she continued.

"I'm going to finish school Ms. Johnson. I've come this far to not complete it" Olivia said and Ms. Johnson nodded her head. "I have about...three semesters left. I'm not giving up now" she continued.

"And Olivia if you are struggling with anything, let me know and I will be able to help you with whatever" Ms. Johnson told her.

"Thank you, Ms. Johnson. I am glad we met thing morning. I probably would've been on academic probation by now had I continued down the path I'm going" Olivia chuckled. "But I will be sure to prioritize my school work in addition to other things" she said and Ms. Johnson nodded her head.

"I will be checking on you weekly to ensure you are on top of things" Ms. Johnson told her and Olivia thanked her.


"I have more than five unexcused absences" Olivia told Spencer as she walked on her campus. "I guess I hadn't realized I completely abandoned school. It was never my intention to, there's just been a lot going on..." she drifted.

"You've been through a lot recently" Spencer began. "On top of being a wonderful mom...you and I were damn near about to divorce....Sean transitioned...I can see why it's easy to fall behind. But now it'll be my responsibility to ensure you get your shit done. You too damn close to the finish line to be getting on academic probation" he continued.

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