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Olivia Baker

*3 days later*

"I just called to check in on you" Simone said after Olivia answered her phone call. "Are you doing okay?" she inquired as she stared at Olivia on FaceTime.

"I'm still a bit achy on my side" Olivia said as she sat up in the bed. "I have minimal bruising but I'm just grateful my head is feeling slightly better" she said and Simone nodded.

"I know having a concussion is the absolute worse" Simone said and Olivia agreed.

"Tell me about it" Olivia chuckled. "But I've just been resting...Spencer's been in protective mode for the last 72 hours" she mentioned.

"When is he not?" Simone laughed and Olivia smiled.

"You have a point...but I'd like to be able to get up on my own and take myself to the restroom. Spencer doesn't want me to move a muscle" Olivia told her. "But it's all appreciated" she continued.

"He just wants to make sure you are okay" Simone said and Olivia nodded her head.

"Simone...can I...tell you something?" Olivia inquired. "You have to promise you won't say anything to anyone. I'm trusting you with this one" she said.

"I'm kind of scared..." Simone raised an eyebrow. "But of course you can tell me and you won't have to worry about me saying a word" she continued.

"I'm pregnant" Olivia whispered and Simone's jaw opened.

"Olivia! Oh my God!" Simone's eyes twinkled. "Oh my God! I am so happy for you both!" she felt her eyes get watery.

"Simone don't tell me you're about to cry" Olivia said with a smile plastered on her face.

"Well that makes sense now as to why Spencer is in protective mode" Simone mentioned as she wiped her tears. 

"That's the thing...I haven't told him yet" Olivia said and Simone furrowed her eyebrows. "Simone, I don't know how I feel about it. Don't get me wrong, I am happy, but it just...this wasn't the plan. I wanted to wait until Kross turned three to have another one" she mentioned.

"I understand your perspective" Simone told her. "But you can't go back and change things...so it is what it is" she continued.

"It's just...a lot right now, Simone. I'm just thinking about the future and it's stressing me out" she heaved a big sigh.

"You don't need to worry about a damn thing right now" Simone told her. "But you do need to tell Spencer about the baby soon" she said.

"I will tell him" Olivia assured. "The first time I told him I was pregnant with Kross it was under...intense circumstances and he flipped out on me. This time I want it to be a cute surprise" she smiled.

"Well you just let me know what I can do to help and I'm down" Simone told her friend. "I've got to get ready to go to class. I'm glad that you are doing okay, Olivia. I'm also extremely happy for you, girl!" she beamed.

"Thank you sis" Olivia smiled. "I'll reach out to you later" she blew Simone a kiss and then ended their phone call.

"What's Simone happy about?" Spencer inquired as he entered their bedroom. Olivia placed her phone on their night stand and watched as Spencer adjusted his jacket.

"I...updated her on how I'm feeling. She was...glad to know that I'm doing much better...given the severity of the crash..." Olivia told him. "Where are you going?" she inquired as she removed the blanket from her body.

"I've got to take Angel to day care, then I'ma take Kross to see my Pops. He's been buggin' me about wanting to spend time with his grandson. He said the both of them need guy time" Spencer chuckled. He watched as Olivia had been slow to get up from the bed. "You know you not supposed to be gettin' up without me" he rushed to her side.

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