chapter 1

3 1 0

Sorry it will be bad
That is a promise


I was in bed, i wrote what had happened in my week down in my diary: Disposing of bandits; destroying a dark guild or two; helping civilians, the usual things that happened while i was out taking care of jobs. Those days make me glad to have breaks.

Whenever i was on a big job there was always a single group of people i always managed to hear about somehow.

There was a dark guild thay was known for being powerful despite not having many members. It was known as the Oracion Seis or the Six Demons.

The guild only consists of six members: Bane (the leader), Midnight, Angel, Racer, Hot eye, and Cobra.

I had been doing my best to look into them whenever i had the time but to no prevail.

I sighed out of sheer boredom, i had the desire to end my break early and go on a job just to quench my severe boredom. I sat on my bed, the mattress was as soft as a cloud, and i debated on what to do. I shrugged, knowing that the overall answer would be clear.

In haste, i quickly pulled on my everyday fighting gear and quickly darted out my front door. I left a jar filled with enough money to cover my rent by the door. I always made sure i had enough back at the house in case i got home late.

Off i walked backed to the guild, hoping for a quick or interesting sounding job. As i wasn't far from the guild hall, it didn't take me long to get there.

Once i had arrived everybody was huddled around the bar. I did what i could to get by everyone, with me being small it was hard for me to see so i was relying on what was being said rather than what was being shown. While squeezing through the crowd, i tripped over someone's foot. I fell hard onto the floor and felt the wood against my cheek. With that i was conveniently able to see the bar better, there was a chart being drawn. On the chart were three circled names: Tartaros, Grimoire Heart, and lastly, The Oracion Seis.

I hoisted myself up off the floor and asked, addressing no one in particular "what's that?"

Mira Jane, the Girl who ran the bar gave a smile before she explained "This is just explaining how dark guilds usually operate."

"why and how did these exactly come up in conversation?" I asked.

"Master was trying to find our strongest group to go join an alliance with other strong groups from other guilds to take one of the more powerful guilds. "

"Which guild are they going after? " i asked.

"The Oracion Seis," Mira told me, seeming quite nonchalantly.

"Well, whatever group is decided to go with am i able to go with them?" I said, being completely serious.

"We weren't exactly planning on sending you but i suppose the more wizards the better, especially S-class ones," Mira says with a fairly light shrug. "I'll bring it up with the Master. "

"Thank you, i would really like to go." i smiled, being overly excited.

Some time passed and it was announced what team was being sent to take up with the other teams. It was Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Happy and Grey. They were considered the strongest team in all of Fairy Tail. Today, i was joining them. I was still feeling more ecstatic than anyone should be.

The six of us made out way up to the meeting point which was the home of one of the blue pegasus members, not sure which one.

Thankfully, we were the second group to get there, the first being the group Blue Pegasus was sending -with them owning the meet-up point.-

fairy tail fanfic (old) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang