chapter 2

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We were away from the fighting already so no one could exactly hear us.

"Good to see you up close for a change. But, I have something to ask. " he looked at me with a smug face. Well, it was either smugness or confidence.

"What? " I asked. I was nervous and he knew it. He had a look that said he knew that I felt different about him for some reason.

"Out of every single person I've fought, and killed, how do you just happen to feel differently," he says to me, looking down at my small self.

"Well!" I huffed. I turned my face and looked at the floor hoping not to make it clear how flustered I was

So much was going on across the clearing. Natsu was trying to attack Midnight, he wasn't getting far. Lyon, Sherrie, and Grey were trying their best to attack Racer but they kept missing. Jura and Erza were trying to defeat Hot-Eye, but they were not getting anywhere either. The blue pegasus boys were young after Angel -most likely because she is a beautiful woman-. The rest were doing their best to fight Brane but they were getting defeated badly. That just left me and Cobra, alone having a chat.

"Well, why aren't you attacking me? We are meant to be enemies." I point out. "or are you just some weirdo?" I once again huff.

"Right, because I'm the one who is having unusual thoughts about the enemy," he said with a smug smile, he looked like he planned to have fun at my expense.

"Well, why aren't you attacking me?" I asked again.

"well- " he began. "I know you wouldn't attack me so it wouldn't be a fun fight," he said, looking off to the side as well. He avoided the conversation the same as I.

"fun? So you would rather have an S-Class attack you instead of getting rid of the block in the road now?" I pointed out.

"Well I know I could easily beat you at a fight. At least if you fight back there's entertainment," he smirked, though his smirk seemed forced.

"oh really?" I asked with a smirk myself. "do you really wanna bet that?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to talk but was interrupted.

"COBRA!" Brane called from across the clearing. "We have what we came for so let's go! Take her or leave her as long as we get going," he said and immediately started walking off without waiting.

"Right," Cobra said in a regular tone, though Brane wouldn't have heard.

Cobra grabbed ahold of my write tightly. The two of us were swallowed by a green ring, I covered my eyes be the use of his bright it was. I assumed it was Brane's magic.

"what's that?" I ask but my voice was cut off before I had a chance to be heard.

When I could see again I found myself somewhere distant, I wasn't sure where.

I opened my eyes to see it was just some cave. On the floor was an unconscious Happy, and a dazed Wendy.

"Why did you bring me with you? If you could easily beat me couldn't you of just knocked me out and left?" I asked in an unhappy tone.

"do I need to justify my actions?" Cobra frowned.

"yes!" I demanded.

"Tabitha?" Wendy asked in a groggy voice "is that you?" she asked, her voice, sweet and innocent.

I dashes over to her and knelt down "Are you okay, Wendy?" I asked.

"I think so?" she said, looking up at me.

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