Dexter the exterminator x reader

429 11 10

Ight let's goooo

You were sitting on their couch watching tv, waiting for the exterminator to show up and get rid of the rat in the attic.
Suddenly, you heard the doorbell ring. You rushed tbo open the door for the exterminator.
"Hi there! I'm Dexter the exterminator, at your service! I kill rats, bats, cats, and everything fast!"

"He kills cats?-" you thought, before letting him inside.
"So, where's the problem?" Dexter asked in a calming voice.
"Well, I've been hearing noises from my attic, and I believe it could be a rat of some kind." You replied.
He nodded and walked upstairs to the attic with you right behind him.

Turns out, it wasn't a rat-
It was a cat-

Dexter helped get the cat, and brought it out to his car while you followed him for some reason. You were about to back away from the car, but you tripped over yourself.
Dexter caught you and said,
"Be more careful! Someone as cute as you doesn't want to get hurt right?"
You blushed at the compliment and got up after that. "Thank you sir!"
The man waved as he got in his car and drove off. You walked back inside a blushing mess. "What a nice guy..I hope I see him again!"


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