Looking for Dares

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Ryder walked into the lookout and briefly surveyed the pups, he looked upon the exhausted albeit happy Marshall and smiles, realizing that his idea for truth or dare for the pups had helped make them get some good laughs and fun.

"Any dare for today?" a sleepy Marshall asked

"Not today" Ryder respond

"Ok good" Marshall said "I'm tired from the last one"

"I know, but the dares could be about anyone, not just you Marshall" Ryder responded "But if anyone wanted to they could put in a dare or truth and you will do it" 

I'm basically just working on this book rn, put any dares down below I'm aiming for 100 reads a chapter please (I really work hard but don't have time but seeing the reads go up really gives me motivation) also follow my other account booksbycruz and help get that one to 10 followers and get this one to 100 as my Christmas present please!

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