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 Zalmore shot bolts of lightning in all directions, Battle-Oni took the blow as he prepared to launch a massive punch to Zalmore's face. Zalmore grabbed his hand and tossed him to the ground. Draugr tossed his shield as he made a spiraling vortex of lightning at his face. David slammed his mace on Zalmore's foot but was knocked back by a single kick. Zalmore shot Lazer beams at Ava, Matt and Luna, the three avoided them as Luna tossed freeze spells at the ground making a ramp to Zalmore's shoulder and Matt made a massive force field so Ava had a chance to climb the ramp and stab Zalmore with Excalibur. Ava dove onto Zalmore's neck and jabbed Excalibur in it. Zalmore grabbed Ava and pulled-out Excalibur.

 Zalmore: You've got some nerve doing that, I think that this blond-haired neck jabber should be the first to die.

 He started squeezing on Ava in his hand, Spike shot a huge jolt of lightning at his hand and made him drop her, Battle-Oni grabbed her and gently put her on the ground. David joined Ava, Luna and Matt as they came up with a plan. Draugr kept making storms and cyclones around Zalmore's head while he was in a fisticuffs match with Battle-Oni, Luna ran up to Zalmore's leg and put a potion bottle on the floor, Ava and Matt were running around placing Spirit Knight cards in multiple places, and Spike flew around shooting lightning at Zalmore.

 Zalmore: This is the most fun I've had in over a century.

 Battle-Oni: Battle-Oni can't agree with you on that.

 Draugr: This is actually quite difficult keeping this storm going.

 Spike: I'm running low here.

 Luna: Matt Now!

 Matt: Magic Seals come forth!

 Every card placed on the ground shone with a blinding light as over 300 magic seals rose up and took the card's places. The seals bound down on Zalmore, stopping him from moving. Spike shot a huge bolt of lightning at Zalmore, while Draugr made a huge blizzard that went after the Demi-Demon, Battle-Oni aimed a massive punch at Zalmore's face, David swung his mace at him, Luna threw several potions, Ava stabbed him in his forehead and Matt tossed a card to banish him. Energy swirled around Zalmore as he destroyed the seals, deflected Battle-Oni's punches, kicked David out of the way, swatted Ava to the ground, crushed all the potions tossed at him, incinerated Matt's card, devoured Draugr's blizzard, and shattered Excalibur.

 Ava: How did he shatter Excalibur, I thought it was indestructible!?

 Zalmore: I am Zalmore the vicious, you cannot hope to defeat me, no mere mortal can even hurt me!

 Draugr: I it is to be, it will be an honor to walk through the halls of Valhalla with you, my friends, except for David.

 David: What why?

 Everyone but David (even Zalmore): Really!?

 Zalmore: Is he really this stupid?

 Matt: You have no idea.

 David: Hey, don't you forget that I command an army of griffins.

 Ava: Who cares right now?

 David: Me.

 Spike: Yeh you really don't get that, WAIT! No mortal, NO MORTAL!

 Spike turned to Zalmore and flew up his towering body, Zalmore tried to grab him but failed, Spike reached Zalmore's face and flew into his mouth.

 David: What is he doing!?

 Draugr: Zalmore is too powerful to defeat by mortals, so Spike is going inside of Zalmore to use his power to kill him!!!

 Ava: But I thought dragons were mortals like us.

 Draugr: No, dragons cannot die of old age, but they can die of other causes.

 Zalmore: Love to stand here and talk about lame powers dragons have, but it's time to end you.

 Zalmore lifted them up with telekinesis and held them in a line in front of his face. Spike was falling down Zalmore's throat and landed in a massive hollow chamber with a beautiful glowing gemstone in the center, it was the Evilisar! The Evilisar was almost like it was pulsing, a massive echo resonated throughout the chamber, Spike walked up to the Evilisar and prepared to fire a bolt of lightning.

 Spike: Evilisar, it was a pleasure to meet you, and now to destroy it and save the world.

 Spike charged a bolt of lightning to destroy the Evilisar, but stopped when he heard it calling to him.

 Evilisar: Spikesworth Omar XII, it is also a pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot about you from Zalmore, how you accidentally caused his escape, how you made the Relics Room to hide your secret, how you made friends/allies who are so loyal that they would risk their lives to help you, and how you wish to defeat Zalmore to make your deceased father proud. If you help me, you will be granted the power to bring your father back you know.

 Spike: And maybe you can, but I'm not like Zalmore, I'm not weak of mind, and I will make him proud, by destroying you Evilisar!

 Evilisar: Don't you dare dragonling, what if I decide to go after your friends?

 Spike: They are strong and pure of heart; they can easily take care of themselves.

 Evilisar: Even David!?

  Spike: Yes, even David, he may be stupid, but he does have guts, and he also has an entire army at his disposal so, you know.

 Spike charged a bolt of lightning and fired it at the Evilisar, it started to break as Spike kept going.

 Evilisar: Even if I fall, there are others who will rise, the world will be in peril again.

 Spike: And there is always someone who will stop them if they rear their ugly faces in my home ever again!

 The Evilisar shattered into millions of pieces, Spike flew out of Zalmore as the realm he sent them to collapsed and Zalmore started to glow, giant cracks appeared all over his body before he very quickly turned to stone.

 *20 years later*

 Matt: In the time since Zalmore's defeat, a lot has changed, the monsters that didn't work for Zalmore have actually integrated themselves into our society like normal people, and the monsters that did work for him have been sentenced to life in prison (the prison being the Netherworld) Battle-Oni decided to join the police force (and he's a better cop than you think).

 Battle-Oni: I heard that.

 Matt: Luna started a school for spellcasters (not a good one but still a school) so she can teach them not to be evil.

 Luna: What did you say about my school!?

 Matt: David joined the military and became the top general, leading an army of millions of different species.

 David: It's Supreme General, you know this.

 Matt: Ava decided to go on journeys around the world, looking for adventures.

 Ava: And to get rich.

 Matt: Draugr decided to take a break from adventures so he can focus on leading his ghostly tribe (the ones that chose to stay anyway) I reformed the order of the spirit knights and continue to serve them.

 Draugr: Can't he hear us?

 David: No clue.

 Matt: And Spike, what have you done these past 10 years.

 Spike: You know me better than that, I'll never tell you.

 The 7 of them then decided to stare into the sunset, not knowing that their destiny and their adventure isn't complete, across the forests, past the rocks, beyond the seas, in a land of ice, a new threat has arrived, Zalmore's younger brother, Xsaro!

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