Micah and Dean VII

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(Before this chapter starts, I put a song above, when I started writing this story and I thought up Micah I discovered the singer Ruel and I absolutely love his music now. The song I thought was a very good representation of Micah from Ruel, who is what I picture Micah to look like. It's about having to say something but not knowing how. Its so good and more people need to listen to this man. He's my age and he's already got more talent than I'll ever have. He's great... seriously please listen to the song. I need to talk about him to someone.)

Micah's P.O.V

Why!? Why!?

Why are you like this Micah, why!?


My chest rose and fell in short gasps of air and my skin felt hot and sweaty. I can't breathe. I began shaking uncontrollably on the floor and I felt all control leave my body.

I can't say how long it lasted I just remember waking up. I guess I must've passed out. I could still feel a ghost of Dean's warmth on my head.

I got up from where I had collapsed on the floor. My legs still shaking slightly and weak. I staggered like a gazelle taking its first steps until I got to the bed. I finally felt air in my lungs as I let my body rest for the first time in what felt like hours. The side of my face felt tight from the residual dry tears. Once my body felt a little less weak I got up and make my way in the attached bathroom to wash my face free of dry, cracking tears. The cold water cooling my flushed face and making me look a little more like myself.

I made my way back to the bed and sat at the edge. I know Dean won't hurt me. I know that. But I can't help it.

It feels like a weight is pushing down at my chest and I can't breathe. I looked around the room to see if I can find my phone.

I found it on the floor next to the door.

I probably dropped it earlier.

I went to go pick it up and checked the time.

"Shit." I said when I saw it was 5 p.m.

I had three missed calls with the contact name 'work.'

I ran to grab my uniform and throw it on quickly while simultaneously calling the number back.

"Thank you for calling Sacared Knowlege, my name is Maggie how can I help you?" My co-worker Maggie answered in her customer service voice.

"Hey Maggie it's Micah. I'm running late but I'll be these as soon as I can."

"Micah? Thank goodness. Just be here as soon as you can. It's been crazy." She said, her voice returning to its normal voice.

"Alright. I'll be there soon." I said as I finished buttoning the short sleeved brown shirt.

I slipped on the khakis and grabbed my name tag from the desk and rushed out the door. I hopped on my bike and began to make my way to the small library that I work in.

Dean's P.O.V

When I heard the door to Micah's room swing open and close I rushed to try and catch him. But when I saw him going down the stairs I saw he was in his work clothes, clearly in a rush. So as much as I wanted to talk to him about what happened and apologize I didn't want to get in his way when he was clearly in a rush.

I sighed and started to make my way back to my room.

"Hey." I heard from down the stairs.

"Mom. Hi." I said forcing a smile.

"What's wrong?" She asked beginning to come up the stairs quickly.

"What? Nothing." She shot me a look that told me she knows I'm lying.

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