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              2 days it's fucking 2days ...still my princess doesn't wake up doctor said she is recovering slowly she will wake up soon . If she doesn't save me on that day my bby will safe now it's all my fault i drag her into my world . Princess pls wake up i can't see u like this please
             My phone starts to ring it's was Daniel ,


Xavier:hello Daniel did finish your work

Daniel: yes sir everyone is in our dark room

Xavier: Good start the treatment how dare they touch my girl but don't kill them i want them alive

Daniel: As your command sir

I cut the call i stare my princess she was so pale i kiss her forehead ..her hands starts moving there is movements in her body i immediately call the doctor
She open her eyes Thank god how much i wanted to see this orbs

Alexa: where I'm ?
Xavier: don't strain yourself princess ,just few mins I'll explain everything after doctors checkup
       She nod her head at that time doctor also arrive

Doctor : hello I'm your doctor Maria ,how do feel my child (While checking her)

Alexa: I'm fine but my body ache like a hell

Doctor: everything is fine take some rest child

Xavier: is she alright?there is no side effects huh?

Doctor: yes MR.Xavier everything is fine ,no need to worry just make sure take her rest and give some liquid food for today ,i prescripe some medicine give her to relief from body pain

Xavier: Thank you !thank you so much doctor I'll take care

Doctor: kk now i take my leave take care my child
After closing the door Xavier sit chair near her bed hold her hand

Alexa: what happened to me?lastly i remember someone drug me and i don't remember after that ,what are u doing here?

Xavier: clam down princess! I'll explain everything before that from now your going to stay with me ...

Alexa: what?what are talking ?why would I stay with you?

Xavier: lemme explain first just clam down  for while kk...Those who trying to harm you was my father former of Blood shine mafia now I'm the one  leading it he thinks your my weakness so it will distrub my mafia life so he try to harm u princess ,it's not safe to stay alone he will do anything I'm not taking any risk just few days I'll clear all this mess then I'll leave you untill then pls stay with me ....

Alexa mv: mafia ...danger...they are trying to kill me ,what I'm goona do ,how do I trust him he is also in mafia what if he harm me ohhhhh goddddd what I'm gonna do

Xavier: i can understand your worries ,you save my life i drag u into this mess it's my responsibility to save u pls trust me just few days I'll take care everything just few days

Alexa: i need sometime think everything ,now i need water can u get me ?

Xavier: sorry ,wait I'll get

After drinking water he placed the glass on table

Alexa: so i doesn't have any other option expect stay with u right? If i know this that day  i definitely think about saving u.

Xavier: sorry! You doesn't have any other option

Alexa: okay!but before that i need to inform my friend she will panick where is my mobile ?

Xavier: here, don't tell the truth just stay you are staying in old friend ,i need arrange everything I'll be back in minute

She just nod her head she open her screen there so many call and message from Emma,shop owner, colleagues  she informed everyone that she is going to meet old  friends from school days and her mobile was damaged now only she she repair it they belive after telling tons of lies finally she sigh in relief now Xavier is enter into the room

Xavier: did u inform?

Alexa: but what about my studies and part job

Xavier: no need worry your studies you will attend the online class ,but you are not allowed to work especially at night I'll take care everything just trust me

Alexa : okay but i need leave this place immediately i don't like being hospital

Xavier: you are still tired take some rest I'll bring the food and medicine just this night then we will leave in the morning please

Alexa: okay

Xavier call someone to bring porridge after sometimes someone bring bowl of porridge and medicine placed on the table and leave the place

Xavier: okay now open your mouth I'll feed you

Alexa: there is no need I'll eat myself

Xavier: just do what i say u just wake up after 2 days  your not fully recovered pls don't argue

She finishes eating he made her to take medicines

Xavier: okay take some rest

Alexa:  I'm not sleepy

Xavier: then what u wanna do ?

Alexia: can i ask you something?

Xavier: mm go ahead

Alexa: can we play 20 qes or atleast 10 bcoz  I'm gonna stay few days with u atleast  i wanna know something about u will it kk with u?

Xavier: ask anything u wanna ask princess

A/n that's it enough for today sry for long gap i hope like and i try to update regularly

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