O&A 1

414 16 21

Ok  sooooo I got a lot of questions so Let's Get Down To Business! 

First Question:

ItsFinny: How's it like being a reaper?

Well it is fun because you are immortal. But you have to watch people's memories while they die so it can be sad and fun at the same time.

Second Question:

Miamew: YUSS! ITS UP!

So *ahem* I always wanted to know. Why DID the chicken cross the road?

Hehehehe To get to the other side to get away from the chicken rapists.

Third Question:

Jerinique_Holmes_: Ok....what would you do if you got raped in your sleep? *Smirk*

Well I would "experiment" on them if I do not  know them, I personally dislike or do not want it with.

Forth Question:

Joshwen (Miamew's friend)- Why don't you show your eyes?!?!?!

Simple, I have a scar across my face and I don't like the way I look so I cover my face.

Fifth Question:  

Sebastiankun:  If you were to have a baby what would you name him/her?

I never really thought of that till your question. *shrugs* I guess me and the Ms. (If there will be one) will decide then.

Sixth Question:

ItsFinny: I always wanted to know how you got your scars Miamew- *pushes Finny away from keyboard* YEAH! How did you get them? Joshwen- true.....

Ok. I got them when I was younger and I was in a fight with a demon and another reaper and the death scythe and a demon sword cut me several times.

Seventh Question:

kitsunekuroshi: What would you do, if laughter completely disappeared from this world, nya?

I would go though depression and then die due to lack of laughter.

Eighth Question:

Philippines_Ann: Why'd you stop being a reaper, boss?

Well I got tired of seeing peoples' dieing memories and I got a bit too old.  

Ninth Question:

GrellSutcliff_: QUESTION!!!! Who's your best friend? *coughs* No-t William! *coughs*

*clears throat* Well I don't want to start a fight between anyone but I have a few best friends and Yes Ms. Sutcliff you are one of them.  

Miamew: @GrellSutcliff_ *cough* its me *cough*

Stop trying to cause uproar Mia.

Tenth Question:

Kind_der_toten: Has a dead hooker ever r*ped you? Or you r*ped a dead hooker?

No and no but it isn't rape if you don't say no. and For future questions I didn't have intercourse with any of the corpses.

Eleventh Question:  

CielPhantomhive_: VIRGIN? YES OR NO. *scowls*

No. Happy, Earl?  

Twelfth Question:

MaiFireFlower: Can I have a hug?

Hehehe....Of course you can. *hugs you*   

Hehehehe.....Now for the Joke of the Chapter:   

In Third place is.....  

Sebastiankun with his joke: 

Yo mama's so ugly that she's like a Death Note. Get someone to look at her, and they'll die!

In Second is.......

CielPhantomhive_ with his experience:





I copyrighted it!~



*eye twitches and covers your mouth with my hand* Shh, Claude.



^ ^ 


*smirks* I'll stick something hard and long in your mouth if you do not shut up~!<3 8:57pmClaude_Faustus: 

*Muffled* MMMMM?!~ ^ ^ *Shrugs* 


*sighs and sticks it in your mouth, before smirking triumphantly* 


*Muffled* Mumurmur? 




*pats your head* Good Claude. You have such a nice mouth. ;o xx<3 


*Sucks on it*~ 


How ya like the taste of that broom handle my friend..? 


Good!~ <3

 And in First Place.....  

Philippines_Ann with her Joke:

How do you make Holy Water? You Boil the hell out of it.    



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