Day Four

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Luca's POV:

For once during the time that she's been here, Luca didn't wake up to the sound of someone screaming. They rolled out of bed & rubbed their eyes, looking out the window. It was a bit of an overcast day outside. Luca didn't mind that.

They yawned, exiting their house & looking around. Almost everyone was outside, curious. The only two who Luca didn't seem to spot were Ollie & Charlie.

Despite not everybody being outside yet, the speaker up on the pole crackled on.

"Good morning, townies!" the mysterious voice said in a sing-songy voice. "What a wonderful day today, huh? You all might be interested to know that nobody was killed last night!"

Nobody was killed? That was a bit strange to Luca, considering Ollie & Charlie were nowhere to be seen. The two of them were probably just still asleep, though.

The person on the speaker continued. "You can have a public execution if you'd like to, but it's not required, & if you don't plan on doing that, there are a few places on the outskirts of town where you can hang out. Goodbye for now!"

As the speaker turned off, Luca saw Charlie exiting her home. "Oh," the Mayor said. "Everyone's already out here."
"Yea, everyone except for Ollie." A girl (Marina) piped up. "Wonder what their deal is anyway, with that jester outfit & everything."

Now that Marina had mentioned it, it was kind of weird how Ollie was always wearing that jester outfit. Luca had just assumed it was a costume of sorts. Maybe it had something to do with their role. Norma did mention yesterday that Ollie was either a Framer, a Jester, or a Vampire.

"I'm sure it's nothing out of the ordinary." Mateo nodded. "They did mention they lost most of their memories when they woke up. Their behavior probably has something to do with that."

The other town members seemed to agree with Mateo's statement. It would make sense, but was there any evidence to prove it?

"Hey," a girl (Once again, Luca recognized her from the introductions: Rosie) said. "That guy on the speaker mentioned there were places outside the town for us to go to, right? How about we go see what's over there?"

Norma's POV:

Everyone decided it would be a good idea to go toward the outskirts of town & see what lay ahead for them there. Norma walked up to Luca, so she could walk beside them.

"Hey, Luca."
"Hey, Norma. How'd you sleep last night?"
"Could have been worse. I got a bit distracted last night because someone was at my door, trying to talk to me."
"Ah. I see.. & speaking of seeing, have you seen Ollie anywhere?"
"No, not since yesterday."
"Ah, alright."

They both went silent for a moment. Then, Norma spoke up.

"& speaking of Ollie, haven't you noticed how.. childish they are?"
"I mean.. I guess maybe that's just from the 'forgetting almost everything' thing, so.."
"Yea, but like- that's not what I'm talking about. I think even if they still had their memories, they would still be a bit childish. I've noticed while almost everyone else looks to be in their late 20's to mid 30's, Ollie just looks... young."
"Young? How so?"
"Well, for starters, their height. Ollie's way shorter than us."
"That doesn't mean they're young. Old people can be short."
"Yea, I'm taller than my nan. I know old people can be short, but if Ollie was old, they'd have wrinkles. I can barely see any wrinkles on their face, besides the usual ones that most people have."
"Well, I suppose we can ask about it. If we ever see them again, that is."

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