Night Four

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Mafia's POV:

The Mafia sat inside the Mafioso's house, thinking. The day before was fun, but now it was time for business, & by business I mean deciding on who to kill.

"So what's the plan tonight?" the Janitor asked, eating some leftover pizza from earlier.
"You know.." the Mafioso said, leaning against the wall. "I think we've already got this in the bag. We can just sit back & relax while everyone else fights among themselves-"
"You just don't wanna kill anymore because it's fucked up, huh?"

The Mafioso sighed, processing the Consort's comment. "Y'know what? You're right. I really didn't wanna bring it up, but this is a little fucked up."
"A lot fucked up, actually."
"Yeah. Also, we're not even GOOD at killing! We only killed one person, & it made me feel sick."
"So.. what are you suggesting we do?"
"I say that we don't kill anyone tonight! All in favor, say aye."
"Aye!" the Consort & the Janitor said, in unison.
"Then it's decided. Have a nice night, you two. Hope to see you tomorrow!"
"Same with you."

Arsonist's POV:

The Arsonist stood at the gallows, a pack of matches in hand. Tonight, nothing would get in their way. The four people they had doused would burn to the ground, & their life with them. They approached Charlie's house, taking a match out of the pack & lighting it. "Farewell, Mayor Charlie." they grinned, flicking the match upon the house. "You sure tried your best, but it wasn't enough."

The house went up in flames. A scream rang out as the Arsonist moved on to the next house, which coincidentally, was the house directly next to Charlie's. Finn's house. The Arsonist lit the second match & flicked it toward bros house. "Farewell, Finn. I never wanted to douse you, but I had no control over that." they said as Finn's house burst into flames.

Onto the next house. Marina's house. Once again, they lit the match. "Farewell, Marina. Thanks for not telling anyone my role." The Arsonist flicked the match across to Marina's house. It caught on fire. "I won't miss you, though."

Now, the final house. Rosie's house. For the final time, they lit a match. "& Farewell, Rosie." they grinned, flicking the match onto her house. "We had a nice conversation about the universe. Hope you enjoy it there in the afterlife."

With the sound of four houses crackling under fire, the Arsonist went back to their home & slept soundly that night.

Ollie's POV:

Ollie sat in their living room, still staring at the gun Charlie had given them. She really trusted them with this. It did feel nice being trusted, though, with something important. Ollie couldn't remember the last time that had happened, because they had lost almost all of their memories.

A knock at the door alerted them. "Come in!" they said.

The door opened. The green cloaked figure, G, walked inside. "Hello again, Ollie."

"Hey! Where's the other guy?"
"C had to take care of some.. business, regarding the boss. She would have come here to talk to you alone, but something came up, & the boss sent me instead."
"Ahh. I see."

G noticed the gun. "Where'd you get that gun?" they asked.
"Oh, the Mayor gave it to me!"
"Mayor Boyer?"
"Yea, her. What other Mayor would there be?"
"Anyways," G continued, ignoring Ollie's rhetorical question. "The boss wanted to make you a deal."

Ollie was intrigued.

"You see, the boss can get you your memories back."
"He can?"
"Yes! But there's a catch. You have to give up your win as a Jester.

"If you're interested, follow these instructions exactly." G said, handing Ollie a piece of paper. "Goodnight, Ollie. Hope to see you soon."

The figure left Ollie's home as they held up the paper & read it. Could they really get their memories back? Was it absolutely worth losing the game?

Ollie had a lot to consider.

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