when you meet

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You were waiting for your best friend, she said that she would pick you up at school since she's in a different high school. Your boyfriend said that he was busy to pick you up with his "buisness".*BEEP*BEEP*BEEP* your bestie texted you so you picked up your phone. You saw on your phone that your friend told you that she was busy aswell so you started walking the left side of the school gates,which was the way to your house. As you pass an alley where you heard people making out. You stop but try to keep on walking but the curiosity wins the best of you. You check out the cute couple and soon you realize...ITS YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!AND (B/F/N)(best friend name). You wanted not to interfere though but your anger beats you to it"Hey (B/F/N)(boyfriend name) may I mention to you that I am your girlfriend cause' I never knew we broke up!"you shouted at your now ex-boyfriend. "Wait (Y/N) its not what it looks like!"(B/F/N) said. Tears began to fall down your face as you ran off into the dephs of the forest.

you run as fast as you can but you fall over a rock. You try to get up but a snake grabs your ankle"hello what have we got here, a little girl"he says. You start getting cautious and wriggle around to get out of his claws. He starts dragging you (and I mean dragging XD)to a huge hole you predict is his home. Suddenly without noticing the serpent screeches with pain and falls down the hole dramaticly. And as soon as you back up you bump into someones face making the both of you accidentally kiss. Then you both blush maniacly,it started to get silent but you break the silence"hi thanks for saving my butt over there my names (Y/N)"he replies"no problem my names kai"you stay very calm but on the insides you are squeeling as loud as the snake was."like I don't know, you've been on the paper for months now"you told him while he laughed. You adored his laugh. "Umm we could meet up again sometime""park,one,afternoon,no fancy clothes?"you questioned and kai answered"sure see you then (Y/N)"you walk off astonished that one of the ninjas just saved you AND asked YOU to meet him.


You were on your way to the bakery because you ran out of (F/C)(favourite cake). you then enter the bakery to see so many types of cake. Your mouth starts to water as you pass the glass full of chocolate cake with cocoa chips on top. You get in the line waiting for your order. You get bored so you go on your phone but in the middle of texting (B/F/N) someone cuts infront of you. You then notice and tell him to get out of the way."hey what do you think your doing I was infront of you"he turns around to see you. He starts to get embarrassed"sorry ma'am I didn't mean to-"he got cut off by hiself blushing crazily infront of you."oh its fine my name is (Y/N) and yours is?"you said knocking him out of his own trance"oh im c-cole"he said astonished. The both of you ordered and talked a while that would show your already friends until you got a vibrating from your mother"sorry cole I've got to go its my mums birthday party see ya later"you were about to get up from the chair and leave but he grabbed your hand"hey we could meet again sometime like this weekend on saturday here?""three o clock pm?""three it is!""great bye cole!""bye (Y/N)!"something told you that the both of you are gonna be great friends.


You walking to your fathers company building. Your dad was cyrus borg and your mother died. Why were you going to see him,because it's fathers day. As you enter the wierd shaled building you see five boys about age to 18 (your age)and then you notice your father talking to them about....you. "hey dad happy fathers day!"all of them looked at you"daughter!"your dad said to you.all of them came to you to see what you got him." Is that....an anticlockwise clock!"he yelled surprised" I've always wanted that it is super duper rare!"he shouted happily."oh these are the ninjas that saved my building the one in red is kai,blue-jay,black-cole,green-lloyd and zane who is white"when he introduced zane your heart rate increased,yes you are a nindroid also,and you detected zanes did alot more than you ever did."we all have to do a test on zane to increase his battery more...well since you are on low battery maybe we should do it to you aswell".everyone exept you and zane left."greetings (Y/N) I am glad you can join me in this subject"he said"yes indeed zane,you know maybe we can "hang out"sometime" he soon replied"ofcourse I would care to join you in the "hanging out". And that day you both aranged going to the park on saturday.


You are on your way to the video game store to collect fist to face 5 that just came out an hour ago. You enter the store and you see a load of video games. You pass a poster of a contest that said "who can name the newest game thats coming in today,winner gets the new game for free!"you said outloud so did another person it was a boy! You were extremely clumsy around boys. Afterwards the both of you turn your heads and then blush crazily."sorry I didn't mean to by the way im jay"you giggle"my name is (Y/N)!"he blushed as you giggled "I never knew girls like video games"you replied back"i also like inventing things a little dabble of poetry"you say proudly. He starts to laugh sheepishly blushing aswell. He grabs a pen and hands it to you"ladies first,good luck I hope you win"he says nicely to you and you write down what you knew already which was fist to face 5. He was confused"wait but theres only four games of fist to face and it ends on number four it also said so on the vocals"you replied to his conversation"well you do what you want my good sir"you bow down and walk of but jay stops you"wait maybe if we could see eachother again right?""sure!"you say as you collect the game without him noticing the title and say bye. Today was the day you are a friend of the ninja.


Your on your way to doomsday comics to get the new comic of starfare. As you get in you see your uncle,mother doomsday,"hi neice how are you doin' I presume your looking for the new comic of starfare caus' theres just one more left"you sigh in relief"thankgoodness well im gonna get it see ya uncle"you say as you run into the starfare section. You were about to grab it another person does the same"hey thats mine!"he talks back"no,thats MINE!"then you both start tugging the comic. You win by letting go and him falling back and you grabbing it from his clutches. After you buy it you walk outside seeing him lonely sitting on the pavement. You feel sorry for him so you sit next to him and giving him the comic. He puts a confused face on his self "you had it first its not fair for you even if fair wasn't a word where prince donagon came from"you say to him"by the way im (Y/N)""the names lloyd thanks anyways you know we could hang out sometime soon like tomorrow"and that day on you made a bueatiful friendship.

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