when he falls for you

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Kai's POV
Me and (Y/N) have been friends for a while now and I can't get her out of my mind. Today im coming with her to the park and I'm not sure if I can handle it...ill just do something embarrassing. ive been constantly blushing crimson red around her and stuttering. i know how to ask her out!!! but first i need some help...

Coles pov
im getting used to (Y/N) now but i cant stop thinking about her. Every time she is here I smile,whenever she makes a mistake I never blame her and blame it on kai (kai:hey!)I need to ask her out...but how...I know!!!but ill need help...

Zane(a/n: this is long XD)
Zanes pov
This is quite unusual, ever since I met (Y/N) ive been acting strange so im going to ask my brothers on whats happening to me. I asked jay if he can check the problem and he had a magnifying glass and looked at my switches and stopped.then looked up at me."zane,theres nothing here thats making you act weird but look at this"he said and made me look down at one of the switches that said 'love' switch in the middle of my wires. "Who would've thought,your dad did make a love switch"jay looked astonished as he finished talking."then how do I say all my 'love' to her"i say which makes jays astonished face drop. Then he replied"well lets just say im a master at getting girls so(ya right X3),ill help you"jay said. I smiled as he kept on talking"so heres the plan zane,this will work 100% OK"he said as I nodded that meant yes.

Jays pov
Today I just came back from ice skating with (Y/N) just as...friends. well we do get closer everytime we have a fun event together but...I thought we could be more then that because I...might've got a little tiny crush on the her. But the only problem is...how do I express my feelings to her. Just how would I ask her ou-*long,loud gasp*I know!I know!I know!!!YASSS PRAISE THE FRIDGE!!!

Lloyds pov
Today ive been a blushing mess! Ive just got back to the bounty from the candy store with (Y/N). I dont have any idea why I like her her so much. The way her (F/C) orbs glisten in the sun,or is it because of her super soft delicate (S/C) skin that shines repeatedly or is it when her (H/C) hair flow lile a wave from the seas whenever she walks. Whatever it is,it dosent matter,she's gorgeous anyways. *long gasp*I think I know how to ask her out!!!HALLEJUEHA!!!(dont know how to spell it???:p

Yay finally ive updated!!! Sorry for the wait , I was super caught up in reading the other boyfriend scenerios for ideas on how they ask you out. Also I did feel sorry for you readers for not updating so I had to do the rest of this I know coles and kais is small but the next chappie is gonna be fine and long.

Next chappie=when you get feelings for him

~destiny out ;3

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