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"Dear diary reader I wanna save you the trouble.This diary is filled with nothing.To be honest I don't know why I have it.keeping it makes me look more normal.So don't expect to be used much,because it won't.Even if it does get written in the context would be pretty,boring."

That's the last sentence on the first page of my journal.I close it and stand up from my desk.I walk out my room and run downstairs,walk into the dining room,and sit down at the table with the rest of my family.As you might of guessed their normal to not one thing special about them.

I have three 18 year old brothers who are triplets.Jonathan,Derrick,and Dylan.who are all talking about some football game at school.Since there all on the team of course they will be attending.I won't since I simply don't want to.

Instead of me going to a football game with a bunch of dim witted jocks and ditzy cheerleaders I will be sitting in my living room with my two best friend watching scary movies and scrolling through Pinterest.

I absolutely love Pinterest.It's a bunch of ideas that I would love to do but will forget about in an hour.Anyway there talking about dates for the after party and picking through girls like clothes.

To be honest I'm not listening to one thing there saying and I don't care to.At this point my mom and dad start to walk into the dining room.Moms holding a salad and dads holding spaghetti.I hate spaghetti.But of course I will eat it.My mom made it for me and I love my mom.

They put the food in the table and sit down on the ends.We all load our plates with food and my dad starts talking."Valerie are you going to this football game?"Everyone looks at me.But before I say something Derrick open his big mouth."Sorry to disappoint you dad but Val here doesn't do football games"he says with a smirk."yeah.."starts Dylan."She would rather stay in with her friends watching movies."I mean can't say he's wrong.Because that's literally what I'm going to do but still.He didn't have to open his big mouth.

My mom looks at me."Is this true Valerie,are you just gonna sit here all weekend?"I look up from my plate which I was previously stuffing my face in."Mom you know me do you think I would really want to sit there for an hour watching my brothers play a game that they're probably gonna lose."I say then realising how rude I sound.

"But Valerie win or lose you got to be there supporting your brothers."My mom says and my father nods his head in agreement."yeah whatever"I say slightly annoyed.why can't they stay out my business.Shouldn't they be happy I'm not doing drugs like most sixteen year olds in America.

But anyway my brothers start talking about dates well Derrick and Dylan are Jonathan is just stuffing his face.After a while we all wrap things up and head to our rooms.First it was the triplets then me then my parents.When I go up to my room I close and lock my door.I change and climb into bed.I get comfy under my weighted blanket and grab my computer.

Then I do my favourite thing to do. If you guessed scrolling through Pinterest you are halfway correct I'm about to read.As I'm getting back to the place I left off my phone rings.I pick it up and look at the contact.It's iris one of my best friends.I answer with and hey."Hey val why are you doing tomorrow?"She says through the phone."Just the usual"I say."Ok well instead of being utterly depressing how about you come to the football game with me and ashlyn!"I can't believe my ears.

Did she actually just suggest that we go to that ragtag of a game.But then it clicks.Iris has been talking about this one football player for weeks.Tim I think.Why would she do this to me she knows her and Ashlyn our my only weekend entertainment.It pisses me off but what is a girl to do?.I might be a total weirdo but I don't want to be a weirdo alone.

So I dryly agree and iris hangs up.This is literally the opposite of how I wanted to spend my weekend.Now I'm to tired to watch a movie read or scroll through Pinterest.So I just go to bed.

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