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I wake up at 11 the next morning.I muster up the energy to go down stairs and get a bowl of cereal.

For some reason my brothers are already gone to practice for a game that's at seven at night.But I forget about that and pour my bowl of frosted flakes.Then I take a quick power nap.

It ended up being an 4 hours.I know what your thinking and I'm thinking the same thing to.How can someone who went to bed early fall back to sleep for 4hours.Me that's who.Iris texts me that her and Ashlyn our gonna pick me up in an hour and a half.Great that gives me the perfect amount of time to eat shower and get dressed.

I finish my bowl and head upstairs to take a shower.Once I get out I hear the doorbell ring.So I grab my towel walk down the stairs to get it.I open the door and iris and Ashlyn.That's strange I thought they were coming at 5:00."What are y'all doing here the game doesn't start until six"I say while letting them in and closing the door."what are you talking about val iris asked confused while taking out her phone.She turns it on and shows me the time.It's 5:30. The only thing I can think of is how long I was in the shower"but either way I wanted to get there early for Tim but apparently that not gonna happen."She says with a sarcastic smile.

I roll my eyes.What's up with her and Tim.She's probably gonna forget all about us if they start dating.But I mean I can't blame him.Iris is really pretty.She's been the prettiest one in our grade since forever.With her long red hair and her clear skin.She was bound to get a boyfriend sooner or later.But just forget it it's not a big deal.We all go upstair.I start sorting through my closet to find something to wear.I pick out a green jumper."Your not gonna wear that are you?"Asks Iris.Ashlyn looks up from her phone."and what do you suggest I wear?"I ask with a sarcastic tone.

"Something that doesn't look like you got it out of the kids gap,wanna add some pigtails with it just to complete the look?"She says with a hand gesture.She gets up and sorts through my closet."Val does your mom still shop for you?"She looks backs at me and smile."No"I say unamused.At the end she picks out biker shorts and a sweatshirt.

"What the hell"I say to Ashlyn"I'm not wearing shorts in 50 degree weather."I say "I mean you can always wear sweatpants"Ashlyn says.So that was that I was gonna wear what I was planning to wear that night.Sweatpants and a oversized sweatshirt.We get in the car around 6:00 and drive to the field.

By the time we got there we were literally the only people there.Except for the football players of course.We decide to watch them practice.Actually they decided that I suggested that we get as many hotdogs as we can before they sell out.

When we get to the bleachers the football team is already warming up.I spot my brothers and of course iris spots Tim.When there coach gives the team a break they all walk to the bleachers where they set down all there stuff."Val what are you doing here so early,the game doesn't start until another hour"Derrick asks"you can ask iris that" I say with an annoyed look.

I look over and see iris and Tim talking and laughing and Ashlyn doing the same with some freshman.Well at least their having a good time.As I'm eating my hotdog my brother Dylan bumps into me trying to get his water bottle out his bag.The hotdogs ketchup goes all over my shirt."What the hell!"I say to him"My fault" He says and walks alway.Who does he think he is! I say to myself.

Pissed of I storm off the bleachers to go clean myself up.On my way to the bathroom I try to clean myself up but the stain just gets worst.When I get to the bathroom with out even looking I swing the door open and walk in.The bathroom looks a little more dirty then it usually does. But what can I expect it's public school.

As I'm washing my shirt off I curse at myself.I can't go back out there with a big red stain on my shirt it's embarrassing.I hear the toilet flush but don't think twice about it.The person walks out of the stall and goes to the sink next to me.Their pants are dirty and their hands are,Manly?I look up and it's one of the football players."what the hell!" I shout.He looks at me."what are you doing here" I ask concerned."and I just thought you were a small man" He says blankly."what are you doing here" I ask again."I could ask you the same question" he says Turning the water off and leaning down to me,At this point our eyes are at the same level.

I open my mouth in disbelief but nothing comes out.I can't believe I entered the wrong bathroom.Then yelled at the guy in here.This is so embarrassing.He gives me a small smirk and walks out.after a second I walk out but he's gone.I go back to the bleachers with the stain still on my shirt.Ashlyn gives me an extra jacket to put on.

By the time I came back everyone's here.the game is about the start.I hear our player's running out of the arch.I see my brother first and after a few more people it's him.The guy from the bathroom.I don't get a proper look at him early even tho his face was a couple inches from mine.But I can see him now.I see his brown messy hair and his tired looking face.The eye bags under his memorising brown eyes.He makes eye contact with my and I quickly look away.

I hope he didn't see me staring.I don't wanna give him any ideas.But after a while The game ended and we won!My brothers stayed after and so did ashlyn and iris so I caught and Uber home.

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