Chapter One: Meeting

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In an art gallery, Clary was standing by her artwork when she saw someone staring at her. She starts walking to him when he starts looking a little spooked. Clary didn't know where she saw the man from only that he looked familiar. He had blonde hair, blue eyes with a bit of brown on one, and a broad body. As Clary walked up to him, she noticed he was spooked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you," she said in a calming voice. "You can see me?" He replied. "Of course I can see you." The man stayed quiet and still for a minute, then turned and walked/jogged out the door. Clary followed him and tried to get him to stop by calling out to him. "Hey, hey, I'm talking to you!" she called out. The man stopped and slowly turned to face her. "I know you from somewhere, don't I?" Clary said while trying to figure everything out. He shook his head, then said, "no." "No, I definitely do," Clary said, then paused before saying, "You're Jace, aren't you?". Jace nodded his head, then said, "Yeah, that's me." He had a warm smile on his face now.

Clary smiled then said, "I'm Clary." She noticed a rune on his neck. "What's that?" she asked as she put her hand on it. After a minute, Clary moved her hand away, then said, "Sorry, it just looked familiar." "You've seen this before?" he replied while pointing at the rune she saw. She nodded before saying, "I've been drawing them." Jace thought for a moment before saying, "Is there any way I could see one?" "Um, I don't have the drawings with me. They're in my sketchbook." Jace shrugs, "That's okay. Maybe another time." Clary thinks for a moment, "If you don't mind waiting for the auction to end, you can walk me home, and I can show you the drawings there?" Jace's face spreads into a small smile. Before he can answer, Clary's agent peaks out from the door, "Clarissa, someone just offered to buy your paintings for five thousand dollars!" "Oh my god! Please tell me you aren't kidding!"

"Tell them they aren't for sale anymore. I'm paying double that." Clary looks back at him, eyes wide, "You don't have to do that." "I saw the paintings. They're amazing. I'm not letting someone else buy them before me." "It's your call Clarissa," her agent says. She looks from her agent to Jace then back to her agent, "Tell them someone made a better offer. The paintings are officially sold." The agent nods and walks back into the building. "Should I pay you first? Then we can head out." Clary laughs, "Sure."

They head inside. Jace takes another glimpse at the paintings, after paying the ten thousand dollars. "Why do you want to buy them for so much money. It's just three boring paintings," Clary says. "Because if you look closer, behind the paint, it's really a love story. This one is them meeting, and this one is a date. And this one... This one is one of them losing the other," Jace says, pointing to each one. "You can see all that?" "Is that not what you meant to paint?" Clary shrugs, "I'm actually not sure. I just start painting, and it's like my body takes over." There's a moment of silence before Clary realizes how long she was quiet for, "So, you really think my paintings are about a love story?" "Paintings can be interpreted in many different ways, but yeah. Thats what I see."

Clary takes a look at her paintings one more time, "I kind of see it too." "Really?" "Yeah. Here they are at a club, and here they are having a picnic. And in this last one, one of them is reading a letter." Jace looks down at Clary, admiring her. Even without the specific memories, she remembers their love story. Guess the angels can't get rid of everything. "Should we head to your home before it gets too late?" "You're right. I just have to grab my bag real quick. Do you want to bring the paintings home tonight or pick them up another day?" Jace shakes his head, "You keep them." "But you paid for them?" "Because you obviously put a lot of work into them. You should keep them." "I'm going to try to pay you back." "No, you're not. Let's call it a gift." "I don't know how to thank you. I mean, this is extremely generous of you, and you don't know me." "Maybe not now, but if you decide I'm worth getting to know then you'll at least know more about me." Clary smiles, "We should get going." Clary grabs her bag and a painting, and Jace grabs the other two paintings. They head to the direction of her apartment.

They walk for about ten minutes then stop a door that leads to apartments, "This is me. Thank you, again. For spending so much money my paintings." "Anytime. Are you good with bringing these up on your own?" "I'll be okay. I just live on the second floor." Jace nods. Clary starts to head in but stops and turns back to Jace. "Meet me at Java Jones, tomorrow at ten. I'll bring my sketch book." Clary says goodbye and heads in. Jace leaves after Clary heads inside.


Jace walks into the institute. His ears fill with an angry voice. "Where have you been?! You can't just keep disappearing like that! We thought someone had attacked you or worse." "I'm fine, Izzy." "Right now, you are, but one of these times a demon could sneak attack you. Where do you keep running off too, anyways?" Jace freezes. "Well?" "I like going out on walks." "In the middle of winter? When it's dark out? I doubt it. Tell me what you were really doing." Izzy whips her bracelet, and it turns into a staff. "I told you. I was out for a walk."

Izzy hits Jace's side, "That's for lying. Are you going to tell me the truth or are you going to keep lying?" "I'm not lying, Izzy." Izzy hits Jace's other side with her staff. "Izzy, enough! I was out for a walk, end of story." Jace walks off, to his room. It was nice for Jace to talk to Clary again, even if she doesn't remember him. Jace wondered how she remembered his name though. The angels should have made her forget everything. Maybe this was her way of telling him that she's starting to remember. The runes can't be a coincidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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