Akaashi Keiji

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0:35 ━❍──────── 3:44
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


"I am here now, Master Y/N~ What are your two other wishes?" the genie (?) asked me.

"How are you—" I just realized what she said, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN TWO WISHES, YOU SCAM!" I threw something at her but she catched it.

"Chill. I was kidding. Greedy much?"

"It was the proper amount of wishes."

"OKAY WHO'S THE GENIE HERE?" She fiercely asked but then cleared her throat, "Let's get this over with. Your first wish?"

"Hey! This is too sudden."

"You just rubbed my lamp expecting a genie to appear, you must've a wish in your mind right now."

Shoot, this genie is quick.

"But there are rules, right?" she laughed at my question.

"Oh darling, I don't listen to rules." She floated behind me, "They listen to me."

"Don't you get in trouble?"

"I'm the trouble. Now stop interviewing me and make a wish."

"Then..." I looked at her as she waited for my wish, "I wish I could synthesize a picture perfect guy."

She laughed but snapped her finger, a mannequin looking body appeared in my room making me scream.


"Stop what?"

"Mannequins are my nightmares!"

"Do I look like I care?" I deadpanned at her reply, "So! What kind of guy are you going to make?"

I looked at the mannequin again.

"Uhm, six feet tall?" The mannequin became slightly taller.


The genie also looked intrigued.

"I hope we always get along?" the mannequin was given a face.

The facial expression looks very calm.

"Give him a freaking hair."

"Shut up, genie!" I looked at the mannequin again.

"Soft hair.? And a volleyball uniform"

When the mannequin did as I said, the genie looked at me and asked, "Did you just forking made Akaashi Keiji?"


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