Chapter 24

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The one thing that I can't stand about high school is the gossip. All through music I saw people pointing and staring at me whilst whispering to their friends. And you know the worst thing? I didn't even know why! It doesn't help the fact that they didn't cover it. They made it plainly obvious that they were talking about me too.

By the time lunch roled around it had gotten worse. I was starting to feel self conscious but I kept my head held high.

I walked to my locker putting all the books I didn't need in and taking out the one's I did.


I turned around to see who spoke, "Hi Jamie, what's up?"

He scratched his head nervously, I put a hand on his arm. He shook it off. I felt slightly hurt.

"Have you heard?" He asked.

"Have I heard what?"

Jamie sighed, "All day I've been asked if I've gotten you yet." Jamie looked close to tears.

I wrapped him in a hug, "Hey hey hey, it's gonna be okay. We are friends and that's all we are. They don't know that, they're just looking for gossip." I told him.

"I'm so sorry Kods." He said.

"There is nothing to be sorry about Jamie."

"Yes there is. I've dragged you into this and now you're having to take most of the blow."

"I don't care, Jamie you are my friend, no matter what sexuality you are ok. Don't let this get you."

"Ok." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"How about you come sit with us at lunch?"

He looked shocked, "What? Where are you going?"

"Going to the Café, wanna come?" The gang and I always went to the café every once in a while. Just to get away from the crowds down the street.

"Yeah sure."


I heard them before I saw them.

I could see that Jamie was still nervous, "Jamie it'll be fine okay. And if you want you can tell them, but only if you want to."

He nodded, "Thanks Kody."

"You don't need to thank me, it's what I'm here for."

We arrived at the table, "Jeez guys, could you be any louder?" I pulled out a seat next to Zac.

He turned to look at me with a boyish grin on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. "Yes as a matter of fact. We could be."

I shook my head smiling, "You're unreal."

Jamie had sat beside me and everyone just kinda looked at him...

"Hi Jamie." Tessa cut through the silence that had fallen upon the table.

"Hey Tessa, how's you." He smiled.

"I'm great." She grinned.

"Whoa." I laughed, "What's got you in such a good mood?"

She blushed, "I just am. And I've not been low all day."

I gave her a look, "Okay."

"Not to be rude," Derrick said, "but why is Jamie here? He doesn't really hang with us..."

Jamie shuffled in his seat, anxious and nervous. He looked to me.

"It's your choice." I said, looking straight at him.

He sighed, "Well you're probably all thinking that I like Kody... I don't."

Zac looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"I'm totally confused." Archie said.

"Agreed. Why is he here?"

I sighed, "Kayden sit down and shut it. He can sit here if he wants."

"Continue." Eve said kindly.

"I never really liked her at all to be honest." He stated.

I was gleaming with pride.

"I'm so lost." Mumbled Brendon, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm gay." Derrick spat out his water.


Jamie just looked at him. "I. Am. Gay."

"Well that was unexpected." Kayden said, "Kods go pass the ketchup."

And with that conversation started and Jamie was included without a seconds thought.

I turned to him, "See I told you."

He sighed happily, "I know. I'm glad some people know now."

"Well we're with you whatever. We'll back you up."

"Thanks Kods."

I smiled at my friend, "No prob-" I gasped.

I felt something land in my hair. I turned to see Derrick holding the mustard pointing towards me.

I reached my hand up to touch my hair, low and behold a blob of mustard was in my hair.

I looked at him and smiled. Everyone was snickering Derrick was pale as a sheet.

"Derrick?" I asked sweetly.

He gulped, "Yes Kody."

"Was this you?" I pointed to the mess.

"Eh..." He looked to Tess for help, she just shook her head. "No?"

I swiped it off, with my hand, from my hair and flicked it onto him.

He just looked from me, to his shirt, which was now covered in mustard.

I chuckled and every one at the table burst into laughter. Including Derrick.

"I did warn you Ricky." Tessa said, still laughing.

"You should listen to her next time." Zac told him, chuckling with a smile on his face.

"You think?" Derrick laughed, "Definately will next time."

"You should take notes Brendon." I warned him, jokingly of course.

He nodded his head. "I am already don't you worry."

"Trust you." Eve nudged him. He nudged her back and laughed.

Aw so cute.

It's not cute at all. It's revolting.

I glared at Kayden, Just 'cause you're alone.

He laughed, Kods I could get any girl I want right now.

I cringed at that mental image, Ew I did not need that info brother.

Serves you right.

"Cocky brat."

"What Kody?"  Zac turned to me and gave me a weird look.


Kayden burst out laughing. It was then I realised that I'd said that out loud...

"Whoops. Ignore that."

Then the bell rang.

Zac picked my bag up. "Saved by the bell." He winked. And my heart skipped a beat.

I chuckled, "Thanks." I took my bag from him.

"No problem Ko."

"We've got free now don't we?" I asked.

"Yeah we do."

"Well let's go sign in and then we can go to the music room."

"That's a good idea, I agree."

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