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"Before I come back from the meeting Miss Richard, I rest responsibilities of explaining what to be done and what not to Miss Ereny and I don't expect less." He said sternly grabbing his working tablet walking out of office.

"Are you okay.?" Irene asked rubbing my shoulders. I didn't realize that my legs weakens until I slump unconsciously on the chair releasing the breath I held.

"I think am okay.!?" I replied blinking in disbelief

"What happened PYL.?" She asked sympathetically and I told her without holding any information behind.

She sighs sadly "Am sorry, I guess I was supposed to give you a little orientation, but I thought Boss will do that himself since he didn't inform me about that."

"Don't worry, let's get started before the boss of yours appears" I assured her.

Irene explained my duties and gave me hints of how Mr. Howard expects my work performance  as his personal assistant and some of restrictions.

She looked at me deadly at the eyes "And PYL for the case of phone calls, listen to the person's issue first before connecting directly to Boss because you are his assistant. Even if they claimed that it's important ask Boss first before connecting him to the client of any person." 

"It was this close I was about to be eaten alive Irene, thank you" I gestured my index and thumb fingers chuckling.

She smiles slyly crossing her hands "You'll be eaten for real soon, I started shipping you together since the interview."

"What do you-ooh my gosh- you dirty minded woman...." I gasped putting my hand over my mouth

I know I was supposed to be angry but her words shifted my mind from nervousness. And besides a light joke don't hurt.

"What? You'll make a hot couple- you two look adorable together..." She stated smiling innocently

"Me with that beast, no thank you- I'll pass...!" The thought of being with Mr. Howard made me shiver weirdly.

"Beast huh, you know the man you call beast, or we can say your hot beast can surprise you. Like my boyfriend Phoenix- he is so wild and rough-!"

My hot beast, who want that type of rude, angry and emotionless beast for a boyfriend...!?

"Woman, I don't want to hear your bedtime adventure with your boyfriend. Just get out of here I don't want to have weird dirty thoughts about Mr. Howard."

 I cut her sensual suggestion off because crickets started to make weird dancing rituals in my tummy.

"Irene Richard, thank you so much for your help. Can you please get back to your spot am sure you are needed there...!" I smile gesturing her to stand up

She giggled standing up "You know if there is thing called past life, then I think I was your fairly godsister. Be obedient to your hot beast, later cutie." She waved playfully at me shutting the door behind her.

My hot beast...yikes...!! God forbid.!

Mr. Howard came back in the office, removing his coat putting it around the back of his chair.

I was doing fine until the hot beast make his arrival. His perfect upper physique, his tense arm muscles bulging over his navy-blue shirt...that broad ches-!

But why brain, why?

He sits down sighing, taking his phone from his coat checking about nothing am aware of.

Stop it Ereny, what's happening to you? It's all your fault Irene, I was good until you plant your dirty thoughts in me now, I start noticing things more than I should.

I deep palmed clearing my throat "Mr. Howard." I called him and his eyes glued to his phone he holds typing over it.

"Mr. Howard." I called him again to get his full attention

"Miss King, do you have something to say, or you are practicing how my name taste in your mouth?" He growled still his attention on his phone.

Don't flatter yourself, your name is tasteless anyway. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I do, I-I thought maybe you will look-"

He cut me off "To the point Miss King, am not deaf and what's to look?" He put his phone down picking a file from the shelf at the side of his table.

What's to look? Damnit, that hurt a little.

"D'lite Art Company sent designs proposal for subcontract of some of the car models'" I told him, and he didn't say anything. Since he claimed that he's not deaf, I proceed giving him information about other Art companies as well.

Eze's issue made the Company look incapable of handling the car designs hence made other Companies grew interest and trying to offer a hand

Remembering Irene narrations.

"Is that all.?" He asked looking at me with those greenish blue eyes after I finished my short speech.

"Yes, Mr. Howard." I told him looking anywhere avoiding his gaze

Please don't make me work more, lunch time is near.

"Clear the remaining schedule of today, notify all the departments that we have a meeting in 10 minutes." He held me in his gaze.

Another meeting, how many meeting does this guy  hold per day?

Man, do you want to starve us or what.?

"Umm, Mr. Howard- lunch time is about in five mi-" 

"Did I stutter Miss King.?" He snapped shooting daggers at me.

 "But I was thinking-" I tried to reason

"Stop thinking Miss King, do I seem like I care...?" He learnt forward resting his elbow closing his palms together.

"No, Mr. Howard. Do you have snap at me that much.?" I mumbled the last statement while typing the email.

"In three minutes..." His deep husky voice barks.

"In three minutes?" I asked widening my eyes at him halting the typing process. He didn't say anything after that, he gave me death glare.

"In three minutes, it's done Mr. Howard" I put on my professional smile and sent an announcement

"Piece of advice Miss King, I am expecting your slow mind to be sharp in my Company unless you want to return selling food at streets with your degree."

What's wrong with selling food to people, beside eating delicious food boosts happy hormones.

I clenched my fist under the table, inhale and exhale sharply regain my professional smile "I'll consider it Mr. Howard."

I can't imagine how I wish to strangle that royal geek neck to death.


Holla...! 🧡

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With love❤, Honeyrose2020

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