Chapter 4

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Ian carried me into his room the way the groom carries his bride after they get married. He puts me, lying down, on his bed and hovers over me. Both of his hands are at my sides, and I can tell that he's trying not to hurt me.

He kisses me and I kiss back. Ian's hand goes down to the top of my sweater and unzips my sweater. When he completely unzips my sweater, I take it off and throw it on the ground. He smiles. Then his hand goes to the bottom of my gray t-shirt. Ian removes my t-shirt. I start blushing and remove his black t-shirt.

I kiss him and our lips move in sync. He kisses me passionately and it feels so right. "I love you," Ian moans.
"I love you too," I respond.
He kisses me again and it lasts much longer than the last one.

Then he goes for my pants and underwear and his.

* * *

I wake up, only wearing my bra, next to, completely naked, Ian. He's still asleep. We actually did it. It's not something that I haven't done before, this a strange world. I cover my body with his blankets, they smell like him, which is comforting.

I look at Ian, he's on his stomach and his head is facing me. I kiss him and when I pull away, he smiles with that smile that I love so much. His eyes flutter open.
"So, you were awake?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, honey," he says with a grin. "We should probably get dressed."

He gets out of bed and I try not to look at him. Ian gives me my clothes, I get dressed quickly and so does he. We leave and go to the dining hall for breakfast. Only half of the people that live here are here. We sit with Melanie, Jared, Jamie and Logan.

Breakfast is pancakes in maple syrup. I try not to look at Ian, because I know that I'll blush if I do. Soon after, Mike, Jeb, Maggie, Doc and Logan's brother join us. Logan's brother glares at Ian, I thought he didn't care about Logan.
"I thought you didn't care about Logan, Randy, if you don't, I wouldn't glare at Ian like that," Jeb says.

"What happened to the 'no violence' rule, Mike?" Randy snaps.
"Really? You're going to say that when you hurt Wanda?" Melanie says.

Thank you, Melanie.

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