Dark heart

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Knuckles looks at me in shock. "What? What did you say?" He asked. "I'll do it" I said again. "Why?" "Because I love you...." I said and kissed him. He breaks the kiss and looks down. "Please excuse me for a moment....." he said and got up. I watched him leave the room with guilt hidden in his eyes. I decided to follow him to his study. I stopped at the door when I heard him speaking to his father. "YOU WHAT?!" I heard his father yell on the video phone. "I told him about mom.... And what I am....." "DO YOU REALIZE THE RISK YOU TOOK BY TELLING HIM?! THIS IS OUR ONLY CHANCE AND I WONT WAIT ANOTHER 8 YEARS!!!!" "I understand father but-" "BUT NOTHING! YO-" "Hey!" I walk in and saw the fear on both their faces. "Look sir if you need a pint of my blood to bring back your wife and his mother that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take! I love your son and don't want him to lost his only chance to bring her back!" I said and he was silent. "You are willing to give your blood to help me reunite with my wife?" "Yes I am" I said and he nodded. "Now apologize to your son" ".......very well I'm sorry knuckles Goodnight" he hangs up. "Are you ok?" I asked knuckles who smiled at me. "Yes thanks to you. Now wanna grab some dinner?" He ask and I agreed.
We drove through the neighborhood and I see my house and the construction on it. "Ya know..... if it's not a problem I'd like to live with you...." I said. "No problem at all. I like having you around" he smiled. We arrived at the restaurant which was extremely nice and expensive. I forgot how loaded he is for a split second. Then again I been forgetful of a lot of things. The food was amazing and we actually had a full true conversation with each other. He tell me stories of him and his sister sneaking blood oranges from the tree their mother grew and get caught. When he asked me about my family I was silent. "Shadow?" "Sorry it's um...." I sighed. "My family disowned me..... when they found out I was gay..... suddenly being the successor in the family didn't matter.... All my accomplishments...... my awards...... my degree.... It meant nothing....." I look down. "Shadow I'm so sorry...." He said and grabbed my hand. "Honestly I haven't spoken to them in 5 years..... so it's ok I do feel happier though." I smiled. "Good" he replied and we continued our dinner. We get home and I head to my room. The warm soft bed, a full satisfied stomach, and a smile on my face I fell asleep rather quickly. "Who knew this hedgehog would melt my dark heart. He's so perfect and is mine~" knuckles thought looking at my sleeping body before retiring to his room.
The next day I begged to come back to work which they reluctantly agreed. It felt nice to be back in my office. "Welcome back Shadow" Sticks smiled. "It's good to be back Sticks" I smiled and started my work.

Knuckles pov

I don't think I ever seen someone so happy to be back at work. Shadow really was clueless about the other part of my family's plan but for now I'm not worried because he knows what I am and that I only want to revive my other. Hell he's even willing to give us his blood. My dark heart really warmed up to him ever since my plan keeping him away was working. I couldn't wait to make him officially mine after the blood moon. I start focusing on the ritual and the area of the building where it was supposed to be performed. "Mr. echidna?" "What is it viv I'm very busy" I said sternly. "We have someone here to speak with you" "Tell them I'm busy and that I will get back with them." I said. "Yes sir" I get back to focusing on the ritual until I heard a commotion and my door burst open. "SIR PLEASE HES BUSY!" Viv yelled and I stop her once I recognize who was standing there. "Viv it's alright.... Go on your lunch early" I said. "Are you sure sir? She asked glaring at the green hedgehog. "Yes" I said and she leaves shutting the doors behind her. "Stubborn bitch isn't she?" The green hedgehog smirked. "What are you doing here Scourge?" I growled as I poured him a blood cocktail. "Can't I visit my Cousin?" He smiled taking the drink. "When I'm not at work now why are you here?" I crossed my arms. "Heard your gonna be reviving aunt Luna. I'm sure dad gonna be happy to hear his sister is coming back." "You leave finitevus out of this! You know he's to blame for her death." I snapped. "Hey he wanted to share the discovery to lower blood clots from fatty acids" Scourge said. "It wasn't for that it was for us to feed without getting sick from the tainted blood. Because of his stupidity it lead to the raid that killed her." I growled. "We'll still at least he'll be able to apologize to her" scourge sips on his drink. I smack the drink out of his hand and pinned him against the wall. "Listen here and listen good if that father of yours goes anywhere near my mother I will personally rip you both limb from limb." My eyes glowed in anger. "Knuckles?" I turn seeing Shadow standing there and his eyes filled with heartbreaking anger.

"What's going on in here?!"

VVP~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora