Blood moon

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I heard the sound of beeping as I woke up slowly. "Shadow! Thank god" i heard knuckles say and I smiled seeing his face. "Knuckles..." "Sticks told me about Viv tricking you and that you were in the hospital. They said you are one lucky son of a bitch that you only endured abrasions. You should be discharged shortly since your up" he said and kisses my forehead. "I was so worried..." he said. "I'm not going anywhere ever again knux...." I said and kissed him.
Later on I was relaxing on the couch in Knuckles's office as we waited to head to the building. "You feeling better?" He asked caressing my face. "Better now that the soreness faded." I replied smiling. "Good" he said and the clock rings. "It's time...." He gets up and held out his hand. I placed mine in his and we head to the new building. It was more amazing than I could ever imagine then again I did draw out the plans heh heh. When we get to the top floor the view from the city was amazing and romantic. "Come Shadow it's time" knuckles said and we walk to the center of the room. His sister brings a gold urn the pours a half of a pint of my blood into it. The light of the blood moon hits the urn making it glow. I watch as knuckles, his father, sister, Rouge and Chris muttered something as the urn starts to rise up. Soon it breaks and blue light surrounds the continents inside forming into a stunning female echidna. "Luna" his father smiled. She lands on her feet and looks at her self while feeling her body. "Luna?" His father said walking up to her. "Locke?" She smiled and they to share a long awaited kiss. "Mom" knuckles and angel said approaching her. "My children" she hugs them both and I smile seeing a family reunite. "Here drink this mother" knuckles said handing her the rest of my blood in a gold cup. She drinks it and gasp as her fangs regrow. "Such pure blood" she said. "Indeed mother" Angel smiled. "Well isn't this a lovely reunion" we all turn seeing finitevus walking up with his wife, sons and Viv. "You stay away from them!" I shouted no longer going to let them near knuckles and his family. "Shadow why do you care for him so much? After everything he's done to you?" He smiled. "Because unlike your rapist son he still loves me despite everything I said to him." "That is true but he should've given up after you left him" "Viv how could you?!" Knuckles said. She laughs as she shifts into her real self. "Because I rather help my grandfather keep his sister from coming back" she growled. "I been their inside spy for quite sometime and when you arrived and took interest in shadow I had to inform my uncle scourge and grandfather." She smiled. "Well your plan is foiled." I said. "What are you talking about?" She said. Scourge jumps out of the way just as his family gets stake in the heart and turned to dust by my friends. They try to get him but he was too fast. Suddenly I felt myself being grab. "SHADOW!" Knuckles yelled as Scourge runs off with me. "LET ME GO!!" I demanded. "No you're mine shadow and I won't let anyone else have you!~" he said. Knuckles appears in front of him making him stop. "Let my mate go!" He growled. "Look cousin I appreciate you ridding my pathetic family but nothing is stopping me from taking Shadow for myself~" he said and tosses me on the ground. "But I guess I'll have to kill you before I do that!" Scourge pounces at knuckles and knocks him to the ground. Knuckles gets up quickly and punches back. I watch as the punch, kick, bite, and claw at each other in horror. I get up to sneak away for a weapon when scourge notices and tosses knuckles across the room. "Oh no you don't!" He speeds towards me and grabs me. "Naughty boy~" he said as he rips off the side of my shirt and I felt his fangs sink into my shoulder. "AGRHHHHHHH" I screamed feeling my blood being taken. "SHADOW!" Knuckles yelled and punches scourge off. I held my shoulder and felt pain as I was bleeding. I felt something going through my veins causing so much pain. "He's mine!" Scourge gloated with blood fangs and mouth. "YOURE DEAD!" Knuckles yelled and punched scourge over and over as I was screaming in agony. Suddenly I heard scourge gagging and from the counter of my eye I see him Turing to dust. "Shadow hang on!" Knuckles said as my vision starts to get hazy. "Knu- knuckles..." I muttered feeling the pain going away. I see the blurry knuckles next to me and he appears closer when I felt a pressure on my shoulder where I was bitten by scourge. I was dying and felt a tear fall from the side of my face.

I felt my last breath coming out and everything went dark.

VVP~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora