Chapter 1: Meeting the (other) outcasts

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\\\\Helloo, I have been obsessing over Gwendoline Christie lately so I decided to write something. (I wrote this in November 2022🗿 but I still love her💕)
I just wanted to mention that I won't be updating regularly (atleast not yet) so it might (it definitely will) take a while for updates (if you're interested).
I also wanted to say that this chapter might be a little boring. It's basically Evangeline (my OC) at Nevermore for the first time meeting the outcasts. Also I'm still collecting some information so if I mess up I might take it down to rewrite it (like my Cissa fanficion). Anyways I hope you enjoy!<3
(just realised that it might be a bit confusing without background information, but Tish and Larissa are students)////

"Come on Eva, the Principal is waiting for us", Evangeline's father said and waited for her to follow him.

Eva sighed and reluctantly pulled her eyes away from a fascinating sword that sat on a table near the entrance of the building, and followed her father up some flights of stairs. They walked through a corridor in silence and stopped in front of a door.

Evangeline's father was just about to raise his hand and knock at the door, but it opened before he could even bring his hand nearly close enough to the door to knock. A tall middle-aged man with gray hair and blue eyes stood in the doorway "Oh, well hello there", he said, glancing at the two.
"Good day, Principal Woodley", Eva's father said, smiling slightly.

The principal squinted his eyes at Eva's father for a few seconds.
Suddenly the man's face lit up as he recognised his former student, his previously rather dark and grumpy expression changing to an almost happy one. "Oh my, Cygnus... I almost didn't recognise you, I never thought I would ever see you here again" The Principal said, Eva just stood on the side, impatiently waiting for the principal to lead them into the room.

"I actually send a letter that we would be coming today, but yes... I also didn't think I'd ever set a foot into this school again", Cygnus replied, his smile wavering.
"Well, come in you two", he beckoned them into his office and offered them a seat in front of his desk, he himself took a seat in an armchair behind his desk. A fire was lit in the fireplace and filled the room with warmth, the smell of burning wood created a cozy atmosphere.

"I'm sorry, today was a bit stressful with all the newcomers this year, they were a few classes lower than you though", he looked at Eva, smiling slightly, like a typical physics teacher would smile.
"So, you want to become a student at Nevermore?", he asked.
"Yes Professor, just like all my ancestors before", she glanced at her father while saying so, he didn't look too fond of the whole situation.

"Well, luckily it's the beginning of a new semester. You are the only newcomer in your class though, why didn't you come earlier?",
he asked and looked at Eva in a quizzing manner, before some sort of realisation flashed across his face and he turned to Cygnus
"Oh, wait is it because of-", "I think that isn't something we should be discussing now", Cygnus interrupted before the Principal could finish his thought, sending the Principal a meaningful glance, which didn't go unnoticed by Eva.
"Yes of course, let me show you to your room instead", he said with a faux smile in an attempt to change the topic.
He stood up and lead the two out of the office.
They went up a staircase and stopped in front of a wooden door. The principal was just about to grab the handle and open the door to the room, when two girls approached them.
One of the girls had platinum blonde hair which was neatly pinned up, she was also significantly taller than the other one who wore her long black hair loosely over her shoulders.

"We're sorry to interrupt you, but we thought we could show the new student around, since her roommate is still in hospitalisation", the girl with the platinum blonde hair started.
The principal looked at them for a few seconds "Well... that's not a bad idea actually, what do you think, Mr. Moore?".
Evangeline looked at her father who seemed to be pondering for a second "Sure... then we'll have time to talk a little".

The principal turned back to the girls smiling "Thank you very much for the thoughtful offer, Miss Weems and Miss Frump, please show Miss Moore around".

"Of course professor, follow us", the black-haired girl replied looking at Evangeline with a kind expression.
The three girls started walking and left the two men alone at the door.

After walking around a corner, the girls stopped walking and turned to look at Eva "Welcome to Nevermore, my name is Larissa, and this is Morticia", the platinum blonde girl, Larissa said smiling "We decided to show you around since your roommate was involved in an accident, again", Morticia continued frowning at the last part.

"Oh dear, I hope she'll be alright. My name is Evangeline, but you may call me Eva, if you like" Eva replied.
"Nice to meet you, Eva", Morticia smiled.
"If you ever have any problems with anyone or anything, tell us, we will help you. If anything weird happens you can always come to us", Larissa said seriously, her expression making it clear that she was not messing around to intimidate Eva, but was genuinely warning her.

The three continued walking in silence, everyone was distracted by their own thoughts and so they just kept walking until they reached a big wooden door. "Now, it's time that you meet the other outcasts. We have quite a variation of abilities and people at Nevermore.", Larissa starts. "Some people just stay with their own people, they feel safer like that.", she pushes the door open, revealing a courtyard filled with teenagers all in the same uniform. "Some are outcasts in a school of outcasts and some are popular and get along with practically anyone.",
Larissa continues, glancing at Morticia who seemed to be looking for someone. Larissa turns her attention back to Eva and continues speaking more quietly, ensuring only Morticia and Eva hear what she has to say "What you do need to know, is that you cannot trust everyone in this school. There are a few students that just watch out for themselves and their success. They have their little groups and might cause some trouble when they are bored", Larissa says "It's best if you avoid those people.", Morticia adds.
"But don't fret, we have been here for quite some time and we know who to trust", Larissa added, nodding at Eva reassuringly.

"Well then, let's go."

Wordcount: 1169

////I know, this is quite a short chapter but hey, atleast I finished it, after almost like 14 months🥹💔//

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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